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Do you ride bicycle?



Mar 23, 2024
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I do like to ride bicycle and I am trying to lose some weight but from past couple of months I haven't rode my cycle as I didn't felt interested in that LOL.

Do you ride bicycle?
I don't ride one. I think the last time I even rode one was when I was till small, so I would have to relearn again
No, I don't ride a bicycle as I don't own it. I used to ride during my childhood. These days I just walk as an exercise.
Over here the cost of buying a bicycle has also gone up, so not everyone can afford it these days.
Yes, the price of the bicycle is high. It is affordable but people don't buy it just for exercise.
Even here even for spots not everyone can afford it. I would love to have one of my own though.
No, I don't ride a bicycle as I don't own it. I used to ride during my childhood. These days I just walk as an exercise.
I got one for myself a couple of years ago but these days I feel lazy to ride
Yes, I do and I enjoy it. When I was young and during my school days, I used my bicycle mostly for commutation to school, tuition classes, friend's houses, and for doing errands for my family . Now, I don't use it much for commutation though I would love to. But, mostly for exercising. I like to go cycling with my family in very early morning. We do it on most weekends.
No, I do not ride a bicycle I am afraid. I only ride in my car. I started driving at age 17 during my college years.
No, I do not ride a bicycle I am afraid. I only ride in my car. I started driving at age 17 during my college years.
One of my friends is like that. She was so afraid that she did not learn riding bicycle when she was young. When all our friends would go riding on bicycle, she would sit and read. She was scared of roads and traffic. She didn't learn driving in India and would always take public transport. But after marriage, she had to move to the US with her husband. For few years, she managed without driving. But then she had to learn it at 35 years as surviving there needed driving skills.
One of my friends is like that. She was so afraid that she did not learn riding bicycle when she was young. When all our friends would go riding on bicycle, she would sit and read. She was scared of roads and traffic. She didn't learn driving in India and would always take public transport. But after marriage, she had to move to the US with her husband. For few years, she managed without driving. But then she had to learn it at 35 years as surviving there needed driving skills.
He he, it is not easy to force the self of does not like to ride a bicycle. But at least your friend was able to drive when she is in the UA. It is a necessity there.
He he, it is not easy to force the self of does not like to ride a bicycle. But at least your friend was able to drive when she is in the UA. It is a necessity there.
You are right. Sometimes the fear is so deep that it can't be forced. I found it very easy to drive in the US because I learnt driving with a manual gear shift on roads of India. It is said that if you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere in the world LOL! She took few years of practice to finally get a licence there. It's rightly said that you will do things when it becomes a necessity.
You are right. Sometimes the fear is so deep that it can't be forced. I found it very easy to drive in the US because I learnt driving with a manual gear shift on roads of India. It is said that if you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere in the world LOL! She took few years of practice to finally get a licence there. It's rightly said that you will do things when it becomes a necessity.
You can drive anywhere as long as you know, however, you have to get a license to drive from the country where you are. Like my nieces, nurses in the UK, they have cars in my country but they are required to get a license in the UK.
Yes, I do and I enjoy it. When I was young and during my school days, I used my bicycle mostly for commutation to school, tuition classes, friend's houses, and for doing errands for my family . Now, I don't use it much for commutation though I would love to. But, mostly for exercising. I like to go cycling with my family in very early morning. We do it on most weekends.
I got myself a cycle last year and did rode for a few days and now its lying in one corner LOL, I think I need to use that and try to lose some weight
I got myself a cycle last year and did rode for a few days and now its lying in one corner LOL, I think I need to use that and try to lose some weight
That happens with many of the things that we start with full enthusiasm. And then it is not sustained. Lol!
For us, we have got a cycle for everyone in the family. And on weekends, four of us will go for long cycling tour. Our cycles are fully used. It's fun family time and we get our exercises too.
I used to ride my bicycle to school and also college but these days I prefer to move by car only
I used to ride my bicycle to school and also college but these days I prefer to move by car only
That's what happens with most of us as we grow old. My workplace is very close to my house. I would love to go there cycling. But I would walk down or take my car if it's raining. Cycling has got limited to exercise and recreation
That's what happens with most of us as we grow old. My workplace is very close to my house. I would love to go there cycling. But I would walk down or take my car if it's raining. Cycling has got limited to exercise and recreation
I don't feel comfortable riding a Bicycle now. I'm afraid that I'll get hurt.
I don't feel comfortable riding a Bicycle now. I'm afraid that I'll get hurt.
I ride it for long cycling tours early in the morning on weekends with my family. I enjoy it.
@Scorpion . I went to the US with International driving permit and used that for couple of months before I actually applied and got a driving licence. I stayed there for ten years and had a driving licence issued by the US.
I know what you mean. I will also try to start riding it again on my week off