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Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Coffees are actually overated in my opinion, so I don't take it that much. I even have a brewing machine at home that was gifted to me, but I rarely use it.
I prefer tea and have coffee very rarely although I also like Coffee but since most in my family prefer tea so I prefer to have what they have most of the time
I prefer tea because I love tea. I never tried coffee.
I like to have tea daily 1-2 cups or max 3 cups and very occasionally do I like to have coffee at the expense of tea and also like to have some snacks with tea
I like to have tea daily 1-2 cups or max 3 cups and very occasionally do I like to have coffee at the expense of tea and also like to have some snacks with tea
Which means you drink tea on a daily basis? What do you mostly eat with it besides snacks?
From the time of Covid and lockdown, I have got used to having morning tea ( ginger tea) with my tea. Earlier, I used to have my milk while he had tea. But then ginger comes with it's health benefits and it's an immunity booster. So, I started it. Since then it's been regular practice. Sometimes, I will have tea in the evening too if I have some company. I don't take coffee regularly. I have it when I have company.
For me tea time means the time to have something to eat with tea and that's why I used to have 3-4 cups a data but now I have only 1-2 cups
For me tea time means the time to have something to eat with tea and that's why I used to have 3-4 cups a data but now I have only 1-2 cups
Were you having small snacks or full meals with your tea? Having 3_4 times snacks with tea in a day will make one loose appetite for the meals. That will not be good in long run. Good that you have cut it down to 1-2 cups. Excessive tea intake is not healthy.
Tough choice! On a hot day, iced tea is pure bliss. But come nighttime, a warm cup of coffee just hits the spot. Can't go wrong with either!
Very true! The mood, the weather, the timing of the day, occasions, company...there are so many factors that would effect our choice for going for a drink. And at times, it can be tough to make a choice.

jk, it's because herbal tea is really good & it's got so much variety. i only have coffee if it's in the morning or if it's iced.

now if the question was iced coffee or iced tea, i'm not even gonna think before saying iced coffee, it's one of my favourite drinks ever
Were you having small snacks or full meals with your tea? Having 3_4 times snacks with tea in a day will make one loose appetite for the meals. That will not be good in long run. Good that you have cut it down to 1-2 cups. Excessive tea intake is not healthy.
I mostly have a few biscuits or favorites with tea, no it's not a proper meal but sometimes I skip dinner and have tea and snacks