Discussion Hub

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Do you prefer playing with others?

I love playing alone very much. I can only play with others when I am very bored or I am tired of playing the game alone. The last game I played with my friend, he teased me because he won and I feel like beating him to death.
I love playing alone very much. I can only play with others when I am very bored or I am tired of playing the game alone. The last game I played with my friend, he teased me because he won and I feel like beating him to death.
Hehe it's pretty much the same for me. My first option would be to play alone. But I have tired a few online community games and they where quit good though.
Actually I really enjoy playing multiplayer games but I don't have people to play around with but I am playing online multiplayer such as call of duty and pubg mobile
I only play online games but most of the time I play alone. I have a brother with whom I can sometimes play, but he is very often busy, so I play alone and I have already become accustomed to it and it does not cause any difficulties
Actually I really enjoy playing multiplayer games but I don't have people to play around with but I am playing online multiplayer such as call of duty and pubg mobile
Playing online multiplayer games can be pretty fun. It's also a great place to meet and make new friends across the world as well.
Lol yes that's true. If we can be like the kids who do not keep things in mind, and easily forget or let go of their grudges, I believe things would be a lot better in the world right now.
It is also good to play with others if there are no biases. There might be manipulations of scores. That will be one factor for a fight to happen because of unfair judgment. It is better to play with the kids. There will be lots of fun guiding them to play on what they like.
It is also good to play with others if there are no biases. There might be manipulations of scores. That will be one factor for a fight to happen because of unfair judgment. It is better to play with the kids. There will be lots of fun guiding them to play on what they like.
True, I have seen cases where guys get into a fight over a game cause they assume someone cheated. The kind of people we play with also matters.
It feels great to play with our friends or siblings and beat them LOL but if they are not available then better to beat the hell out of computer LOL
Hehe it's pretty much the same for me. My first option would be to play alone. But I have tired a few online community games and they where quit good though.
Yeah, it's very fun while playing with others. It helped to fight the emotions I always had when I lose in any game. I started playing with friends to understand it can only be game and not a do or die affair.
For me l really find it very inconvenient to play with others considering that l am an ever busy person and l really lack the sufficient amount of time to look the people to play for that reasons in the truth of the matter.
Off course I prefer to compete or play games with others especially when I am together with my friend we use to play multiplayer game's in order to compete against each others but sometimes I play online multiplayer games such as call of duty and pubg mobile and so on
Yeah, it's very fun while playing with others. It helped to fight the emotions I always had when I lose in any game. I started playing with friends to understand it can only be game and not a do or die affair.
Haha that's true, I have learnt to also drop my competitive spirit. I just take it I am doing it for fun and notting else.
As a gamer I enjoy playing games with others especially because if you are playing alone you will not be perfect but if you are playing against each other you improve and learn so many thing's
Yes playing with others does gives you an advantage to learn more about how the game works, especially if you have plans of going into professional gaming.
True, I have seen cases where guys get into a fight over a game cause they assume someone cheated. The kind of people we play with also matters.
It always happens even in the Olympics. Viewers can attest that it was our Filipina boxer Nesty Petecio who won in boxing during the semi final fight versus Poland but I and the viewers as per feedback was so disappointed when it was the boxer from Poland the judges favored. The Poland female boxer fought as if she's a gymnast even on what she wore. Try to watch the video.
It always happens even in the Olympics. Viewers can attest that it was our Filipina boxer Nesty Petecio who won in boxing during the semi final fight versus Poland but I and the viewers as per feedback was so disappointed when it was the boxer from Poland the judges favored. The Poland female boxer fought as if she's a gymnast even on what she wore. Try to watch the video.
True we have a lot of die hard fans out there and fanatics who are willing and ready to do anything just to defend their favorite clubs or games. I have even seen Cases where people get killed.
True we have a lot of die hard fans out there and fanatics who are willing and ready to do anything just to defend their favorite clubs or games. I have even seen Cases where people get killed.
Those who killed were crossing the lines. They do not accept sportsmanship. It's sports so we have to accept their decisions who to win. We are nothing, we cannot complain in the actual. Those concern athletes only kept their mouths shut to avoid conflicts.
Those who killed were crossing the lines. They do not accept sportsmanship. It's sports so we have to accept their decisions who to win. We are nothing, we cannot complain in the actual. Those concern athletes only kept their mouths shut to avoid conflicts.
This is why when I see people so passionate about sports or anything at all, cause most of them their moral compass is messed up and they can do anything.
I always like to play with others, as I feel bored if I have to play alone or with the computer. It's always a feeling of competition with the others when you play with them. I don't know how people play alone or who they compete with.
Multiplayer games are best but its fine if we don't have anyone other to play with and can play with computer and see if we can beat it