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Do you make Reels?


Off The Mark

Mar 20, 2024
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Reels are short videos of upto 90 seconds on Facebook ans Instagram. Reels feature is actually a direct copy from Tiktok, but Reels are getting popular and being used as replacement in the countries where Tiktok is banned. Do you make Reels, do you like making Reels. Well, I enjoy making Reels basically for Instagram but sometimes I also post my Reels on Facebook. Unless something disturbs me I will be creating Reels every day.
Well, I make Reels for Facebook. Even though I have an option to share the same Reels on instagram without having to visit Instagram, I do not share videos on Instagram. I a,m not even very active on Instagram. I am mostly active on Facebook and I share 1-2 Reels every week.
I don’t make reels, but I have two sisters that make reels and tiktok videos for a living. They’re constantly making new videos on facebook and tiktok.
Yes, I used to make to promote products. It is something I hate to do. But had no choice at that time. It takes a lot of time to make a good one.
I make reels for Facebook but not that much. I love dancing, so I make some cool dancing reels that I display some dancing moves tutorials. It has gathered fair viewership even though I am yet to monetize it.
I'll be honest, I haven't really dabbled much in making Reels yet. As much as I enjoy scrolling through the entertaining Reel videos on Instagram, I haven't felt super inspired to create my own content in that format. It seems like it requires a certain knack for concise creativity and video editing skills that I'm not sure I possess. That said, never say never! If the right idea strikes me, I may just try my hand at piecing together a fun/funny/informative Reel one of these days. For now though, I'm content being more of a viewer than creator in that space.
You need decent video editing skills to do well. There is creativity of course, but the technical knowledge to get past video editing is also important.
Making reels requires that you have a microphone among other tools and that's something that I don't want to invest in at the moment till i convince myself that I want to have a monetized social media account. I don't make reels for now.
Recording sound in a normal environment is a challenging task. If you have random noises around, even the noise of AC or a fan , it is going to sound bad. Voice editing is not for all. It takes a lot of effort to get the right kind of voice delivery.
Normally I don't make reels, cause am not even that active on social media, but now I am looking forward to trying this for my business.
Lol, where will I get the time to stand on front of the camera and start doing some random things? Hell na, we don't even do such in my house. I have a sister who is also not interested in stuffs like that.
That's how I make Reels because it's much more convenient than a simple video. Also, a separate column is set aside for such videos in most social networks, so it takes less effort to make the video more popular. But I'm not trying to be popular, it's just for fun, even though some of my videos got a lot of views
No, I don't think and I don't think I will ever but lately I am thinking of making reels/ content on Instagram to earn from it and its paying really well
No, when I have nothing to do, I watch reels instead of making them. Few of the reels are very interesting. My children can watch reels for hours until we tell them to stop because they are so addicted to them.
Lately, I am hearing a lot about reels and content and how Instagram can help us earn more from views but not sure how to start and when I have an idea I may start immediately
I make reels for Facebook but not that much. I love dancing, so I make some cool dancing reels that I display some dancing moves tutorials. It has gathered fair viewership even though I am yet to monetize it.
I can't even remember the last time I posted a reels, when it comes to posting on social media, I see it as mainly a work load.
That's how I make Reels because it's much more convenient than a simple video. Also, a separate column is set aside for such videos in most social networks, so it takes less effort to make the video more popular. But I'm not trying to be popular, it's just for fun, even though some of my videos got a lot of views
I'm guessing that the reason you're doing this is because you want to have a lot of views and engagements, and one day you'll be able to make money from them? Then that is a good reason, I hope you continue and you be able to start making money from it.
I am not interested in it but just for the sake of making money I may start doing it after some time after I collect some more information
I am not interested in it but just for the sake of making money I may start doing it after some time after I collect some more information
If it is for the sake of making money, then that's absolutely every reason to do it. A lot of people who make money from it started out that way. Now they are thankful that they made the bold step back then.
If it is for the sake of making money, then that's absolutely every reason to do it. A lot of people who make money from it started out that way. Now they are thankful that they made the bold step back then.
I agree and Instagram is filled with people who only started it to make money and are able to make money so they are thankful to this idea and the platform

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