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Do you like to walk around the supermarket for a long time even if you don't need to buy anything anymore?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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It often happens to me that when I'm in a hypermarket, I like to go through different departments in order to find out what interesting things are on sale there, but I don't buy anything. I don't know why I do it, but it distracts me a little from other things
I only go to the supermarket with a purpose, to buy stuff listed in my shopping list, however, every once in a while I do find myself lost in the international isle browsing and looking for all the cool snacks available!
A lot of people do that. They go to malls and supermarkets simply to spend time there. They are well maintained, clean and comfortable. You get to gauge different products as well.
I don't do that. What a sheer waste of time. Even when I want to go and buy from the supermarket, I don't walk around to check too many things. I just go , pick the things I want and off I go my way.
To be honest, some supermarkets like that. They like to keep the floor crowded enough all times. Mainly because it gives a feel that it is a busy and most sought business.
That's living an illusion. If your business is not busy, it is not. I don't go to wander about a supermarket. I see some people going ro malls only to take pictures. I can't do that. I go for what took me there, pay and leave.
They don't want their business area look like a ghost town. There are benefits of faking. It works in some areas, people and certain crowd.
I really don't like taking time or wasting time in anything I do. If I don't have anything to buy, there is no need walking around in the supermarket.
I thought I'm the only one who does this a lot. After I must have gotten everything I needed in the supermarket, I still like to walk around to survey some things around the mall. And sometimes, it leads to me buying a few things more!
While I try to be efficient during grocery trips, I have to admit there's something oddly calming about aimlessly strolling the aisles, even with a full cart. Seeing all the colorful products neatly displayed and discovering new items can be surprisingly therapeutic. As long as I'm not pressed for time, I'll often meander up and down each aisle, allowing my mind to wander. It's a simple pleasure to soak in the sights and smells of the supermarket without any rush or agenda.
No, I don't like to walk into the supermarket if I don't need to buy anything. My wife is the sort of person who can walk down to a supermarket for no reason, and that's why I don't go shopping with her.
No, I don't like to walk into the supermarket if I don't need to buy anything. My wife is the sort of person who can walk down to a supermarket for no reason, and that's why I don't go shopping with her.
Same here, I just get what I want and move out and I won't even near there if am not buying anything.
Same here, I just get what I want and move out and I won't even near there if am not buying anything.

I don't like to walk in the market when I don't have to buy anything. I don't know how people do that to pass time.
Am an introvert by nature, so I normally find things like this pretty stressful.
I prefer to buy online and I happen to buy something from a store then I dislike wasting time walking around like that
I prefer to buy online and I happen to buy something from a store then I dislike wasting time walking around like that
Of course, what is the point of walking around the supermarket when you are already done buying what you want to buy. You will just end up buying some unnecessary things.
Of course, what is the point of walking around the supermarket when you are already done buying what you want to buy. You will just end up buying some unnecessary things.
Exactly and for this very reason I prefer to shop online and in case I need to shop offline then I make sure to not waste much time on it
Exactly and for this very reason I prefer to shop online and in case I need to shop offline then I make sure to not waste much time on it
Great. I will imitate your determination too
I prefer to buy online and I happen to buy something from a store then I dislike wasting time walking around like that

It's not a waste of time if you are searching for a good thing offline, from a store.
Honestly, that is how some supermarkets feel. They prefer to always have a sufficiently full floor. primarily because it conveys the impression that it is a bustling, in-demand firm.

I go to the grocery store solely to buy the items on my shopping list, but occasionally I get lost wandering the international aisle, nosing about and taking in all the tasty treats!

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