Discussion Hub

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Do you know how to cook your own food?

I am not very good at cooking so I only cook when I don't have any other option to arrange home cooked food.
Yes I know how to cook food and I always get compliments that I cook really well and cooking is one of my passions in life.
Yes I know how to cook food and I do cook when I need to but mostly my wife cooks for me.
Absolutely, I really enjoy cooking my own meals whenever I can. It's a creative outlet for me, and I find the process therapeutic. I'm always experimenting with new recipes and flavors. While I'm no professional chef, I've gotten quite skilled at preparing a variety of dishes from scratch using fresh ingredients.
Yep, I take something out of the freezer. Take it out of the package and into the microwave it goes. After a few short minutes volia!
Yes I know how to cook. I grew up in a house where they made sure each and everyone of us had to learn how to cook. The ones I don't know, I usually go to YouTube or Google to learn how to cook it.
I am not good at cooking and this is one thing that I need to learn and need to improve as it's not a gender thing and everyone should know how to cook