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Do you go to the gym?

The gyms in my area are too expensive, even if I did want to go...
I see no benefit in going to the gym where I would have to share sweaty gym equipment with others. I have equipment at home and much prefer that.
@Mad Hatter Yes, that is a better approach. If you can afford to buy the equipment, you can exercise at home; you don't need to go to the gym. My wife does yoga at home; she doesn't go to any yoga centers.
The gyms in my area are too expensive, even if I did want to go...
Its pretty much the same over here. The gyms here are also very expensive. I would rather do my works out at home.
Its pretty much the same over here. The gyms here are also very expensive. I would rather do my works out at home.

You can buy equipment and do exercises at home; you don't need to go to the gym if they are expensive.
You can buy equipment and do exercises at home; you don't need to go to the gym if they are expensive.
Yes and even without equipment, there are lots of workouts I can still engage myself in at home and it would still be effective.
Yes and even without equipment, there are lots of workouts I can still engage myself in at home and it would still be effective.
Yeah you mean planks and pushups? It's been a while I did those. I'm now lagging behind, lol.
Yeah you mean planks and pushups? It's been a while I did those. I'm now lagging behind, lol.
Yes and even jogging in a single spot, jumping jacks and skipping, these are good workouts that are very effective.

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