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Do you buy things on impulse?

I am disciplined to the core. I can't buy anything that's not on my list. I might see something I like and because it's not what I came to the market to do, I will hold myself and get others, the only thing I will do is to make sure I have that thing on my next list while coming to market.
I do have this strange habit and I should kick it away soon as its so bad for me
I am sometimes an impulsive buyer. It happens only if I like the item. I don't care how much it costs as long as I like it.
I think we do make mistakes as we are humans and not bots so its acceptable as long as we don't make these mistakes all the time
As I am now, I have balance and I am not easily influenced into buying things that I don't need. I am not afraid to say No to whoever is involved when I don't need a particular thing.
I don't think there is anyone who is not buying things like that as we all do make mistakes at some point or the other
Yes it is. I don't know why they are like this. Maybe they like to spend money only.🤣
Like most times I find it abit stressful going to the market with my sister cause she tends to move from one place to another even after buying what she wants.
I need to control myself as having a credit limit do push you to buy almost every thing you like lol
I really like making a budget on what l would be spending my money on. So l don't embrace the impulse buying at all.
This month I am on a very tight budget due to the many things I have to sort out, so I can't really buy anything on impulse even if I wanted to
I don't get to buy things on impulse. Before I pick money and step out of the house, it is either I have a physical or mental shopping list that I always stick to.
I do and that's why I take help of my parents and they help me to not buy things on impulse
I don't get to buy things on impulse. Before I pick money and step out of the house, it is either I have a physical or mental shopping list that I always stick to.
Yes this actually helps a lot, though there are people who even they have a list, they still end up buying on impulse.
If we are not good at controlling ourselves and are involved in impulse purchases/buying then we should ask our family members for help

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