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Do you always offer a dark mode and a light mode?



Sep 23, 2023
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As someone who frequents a lot of websites and forums, I always like to have the option of a dark mode as I feel that is easier on the eyes but I understand that some prefer a light mode as well so having the option of both is a must I feel.

When it comes to running any kind of site, do you always offer the option of a dark mode and a light mode? Have you considered it if you do not have this option?
We offer both dark and light modes on DH and they can easily be switched between with the click of a button :)
It's better to offer both dark and light themes in a forum. Members have different tastes which is why giving them variables to choose from.
I do like to offer both Dark and Light options for most of my websites when I can. I do prefer White when it comes to general discussion and dark when its gaming. :)
Yes, offering both dark mode and light mode is a common practice to cater to users' preferences. If a site doesn't have this option, it may be worth considering adding it to enhance user experience and accessibility, allowing users to choose their preferred mode based on their visual comfort and preferences.
Well, I do not like dark mode. I believe websites are for reading content and interacting with content, and when you use dark mode, reading and interacting, both will be difficult. Since I do not like dark mode, I do not have an option for dark mode on my forums, my forums have light mode by default and users have no option to change.
Dark mode is cool when you need to spend a lot of time on it. Otherwise light or dark, as long as it works, it is ok for me.
I do try to include both a dark mode and light mode option for users. Having a dark theme can be easier on the eyes, especially in low-light conditions, while a light mode provides a clean, bright interface during the day.
I don't know think I can cope with any site that offers just the dark mode. Seems it is the default mode of any site. For long time, I was on RIF but I couldn't do activities on it because it offered just the dark mode before Jordan overhauled the design and included the light mode.
I'm not a fan of dark modes when browsing, so even if there's the option, I don't use it. Maybe because I'm already used to using dark modes, so when I even try to use dark mode it feels weird.
Its best that websites offer both dark and light mode so everyone can work as per their choice and its good to see most websites following this now so now we can find the option to go for dark or light mode with ease
It would be better to have both Options, each and every one of us have our different taste. I like having both options so I can choose from whenever I feel like.
We should have a choice because like a year ago I used to prefer only Light mode and used to dislike dark mode but these days I prefer only dark mode
I prefer light mode and work on light mode mostly on all the site.
Well if I hop on any website and it does not offer a dark mode, I wouldn't be too worried. Since I use the light mode all the time anyways.
I prefer dark mode to light mode but I will always want the two options to be there. I have checked some websites that their light mode is far better than dark mode, the only option I have is to make use of the light mode.
Dark mode is quite helpful because it saves our eyes from unnecessary eye stain and its better to have it on if we are comfortable with the texture of the website
For me l usually switch from one to the other depending on the brightness of the place l would be.
This is the first site where I like the dark mode and have never tried light mode.
I am using light mode on this site because it's fine in my eyes. I have tried the dark mode too. Both of them is good, the only thing I do is to interchange them depending on which one I want to use.