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Charging Battery Tips

Whereas my rule is to charge my phone 100% at least a day and charge it when the battery goes below 10%. I don't know if this rule is fine or not.
This is what is happening most of the time especially if you use mobile phone for full day. If not it could still 2 or 3 days to reach 10 %. I start charging from having 30 % battery up to 100 % not waiting up to 10 %.
This is what is happening most of the time especially if you use mobile phone for full day. If not it could still 2 or 3 days to reach 10 %. I start charging from having 30 % battery up to 100 % not waiting up to 10 %.

Is there any benifits if we don't let the batter to reach below 30%?.
This is what is happening most of the time especially if you use mobile phone for full day. If not it could still 2 or 3 days to reach 10 %. I start charging from having 30 % battery up to 100 % not waiting up to 10 %.
Funny enough, I don't apply any rule whenever I want to charge my phone. I just plug it whenever I feel like, especially considering the fact that electricity can be uncertain in my area these days.
Is there any benifits if we don't let the batter to reach below 30%?.
Under 30 % a lot of applications won't work well because they need a little battery to work and lot of them got disabled on economic mode, that is all.
Under 30 % a lot of applications won't work well because they need a little battery to work and lot of them got disabled on economic mode, that is all.
That's probably happening because of your phone settings. All my applications and files open and works well even if my battery is at 2%
That's probably happening because of your phone settings. All my applications and files open and works well even if my battery is at 2%

I also never noticed it. My phone works perfectly even when the battery is 2%.
I also never noticed it. My phone works perfectly even when the battery is 2%.
Yeah, and it can be so frustrating when you have so much to do on the phone but it is very low and there's no way to charge.
Having a power bank is indeed crucial for ensuring your device doesn't drop below 30% battery, especially during long periods away from home when charging options are limited. It's a practical solution for staying connected and powered up while on the go.
It is a must have for everyone especially during camping.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Keep your device and battery away from extreme heat or cold, as these conditions can degrade the battery's performance and lifespan.
  • Partial Charging is Better: Lithium-ion batteries, commonly used in most modern devices, perform best when kept between 20% and 80% charge. Avoid letting the battery drop below 20% or charging it to 100% too often.
  • Use the Right Charger: Always use the charger and cable that came with your device or a certified replacement. Using the wrong charger can damage the battery or reduce its efficiency.
  • Unplug When Fully Charged: Leaving your device plugged in after it reaches 100% can cause the battery to overheat and degrade over time. Unplug your device once it’s fully charged.
  • Avoid Overnight Charging: While modern devices are designed to handle overnight charging, it’s still better to avoid it when possible to prevent overheating and unnecessary stress on the battery.
Partial Charging is Better: Lithium-ion batteries, commonly used in most modern devices, perform best when kept between 20% and 80% charge. Avoid letting the battery drop below 20% or charging it to 100% too often.
That's what I advice too. But due to work you forget phone at power bank and charges until to 100 %.

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