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Can you manage stress with physical activities?



Oct 30, 2023
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Can exercise help you in stress management? What are some effective strategies for managing stress through physical activity? Answer: Engaging in regular physical activity, such as aerobic exercise, yoga, or Tai Chi, can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins and promoting relaxation. Incorporating meditation practices into workouts, such as focusing on breath and body sensations, can further enhance stress management benefits.
I know that our body composition is different which is why when it comes to the kind of exercise you are going to be taking on, it is best for you to engage in what your body can adapt to and make sure that you are not overdoing it because it is the only way you can be able to use working out session to manage your stress.
I know that training helps me a lot because when I train I get very exhausted and then the body simply does not have enough energy to stress and my stress disappears instantly
I find that when things get to me they don't seem quite as important after a good workout.
I have particularly found cycling to be helpful for me in managing stress. When I get back from work and feel too tensed, I just bring out my bicycle and ride around the neighborhood. It helps me to retain my mental health that must have been clouded by the stress.
I have particularly found cycling to be helpful for me in managing stress. When I get back from work and feel too tensed, I just bring out my bicycle and ride around the neighborhood. It helps me to retain my mental health that must have been clouded by the stress.
It also helps me because when I'm not at home I can think about anything, but I don't have the opportunity to make a wrong decision. And I ride until my mind clears and I start making the right decisions
I can since I know that going through stress is part of life. So with this mindset I can easily manage the stress while I'm still doing my physical activities. There's no pressure
Whatever anyone is doing to manage stress, I believe that it is of no use unless one can decide to focus on resting more.

Sleeping and taking a rest is the best way to manage stress. This is not taking exercising or physical activities away from it.
If you engage in physical activities, it is a very important tool to manage stress and it is also going to help you improve on your mental well-being. This is why it is good engage in a regular exercise.
I don't think there is any way that I am going to manage stress with training everyday. What I do is that I always sleep more during the night and that makes me well rested to train the next day and this is how I manage not getting stressed out for the rest of the day.
Absolutely, physical activity is one of the best ways for me to manage stress. Getting my body moving, whether it's a heart-pumping run, a sweaty spin class, or just a long walk, helps relieve pent-up tension and anxiety. Exercise allows me to channel that restless, anxious energy into something productive. After a workout, I feel mentally recharged and more clearheaded to tackle whatever was causing my stress.
It's hard for me to do this because when I'm stressed I can't lift dumbbells or even run because I get tired very quickly due to the fact that stress absorbs a lot of energy. Training is definitely not something that will help me with stress
It depends on the individual, there are some people who when stressed they do various physical activities like swimming, boxing or even going for a run or walk. It helps their mind stay focus and think.
To manage stress you need to meditate and this way you can feel calm and composed
It depends on the individual, there are some people who when stressed they do various physical activities like swimming, boxing or even going for a run or walk. It helps their mind stay focus and think.
True, me I prefer going on a walk or cycling. This helps me to clear my mind. And a clear mind is a mind free of stress, this keeps me very much prepared to go again the next day.
When I am physically or mentally stressed, there is nothing that any form of exercise can do for me. All I want to do is to sleep and rest. Might think of exercising after I sleep and rest. Exercise is not a good remedy for stress as far as I am concerned.
True, me I prefer going on a walk or cycling. This helps me to clear my mind. And a clear mind is a mind free of stress, this keeps me very much prepared to go again the next day.
Yea, every morning I usually plan most of my day and the things I would do while I go for my morning walk.
I read somewhere that when you do physical activities your brain will release pleasure triggering hormone. Therefore after exercise you feel very relaxed. If you feel relaxed after physical exercise, you can do exercise when you are stressed out and try to combat stress naturally
I read somewhere that when you do physical activities your brain will release pleasure triggering hormone. Therefore after exercise you feel very relaxed. If you feel relaxed after physical exercise, you can do exercise when you are stressed out and try to combat stress naturally
Nice idea, exercises truly make one feel relaxed and can take away stress.
I read somewhere that when you do physical activities your brain will release pleasure triggering hormone. Therefore after exercise you feel very relaxed. If you feel relaxed after physical exercise, you can do exercise when you are stressed out and try to combat stress naturally
Yes that's true, especially after taking your bath and you are in bed resting. There is this pleasure you feel inside when your muscles are relaxed. It really can't be explained though.