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Being awake 24 hours without sleep till the next day?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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There are some days when I can't sleep at all to continue my days activities for the next day. No matter how much I try to sleep, my body would never agree to shutdown. Without the sleep, it doesn't affect me the next day in any way. It would be as if nothing happened.

Have you ever experienced this?
I only stay awake for 24 hours if I can't sleep or if my sleep schedule is messed up and I need to fix it.
Other than that, I don't stay awake for 24 hours.
my body doesn't produce the sleep hormone.

so yes. every day
I have stayed awake for 24 hours a few times in the past. Usually, I end up doing this if I can not sleep which is sometimes quite frequent due to me suffering from fibromyalgia. It's not something I could do regularly though but I do understand why some have no choice but to.
There are some days when I can't sleep at all to continue my days activities for the next day. No matter how much I try to sleep, my body would never agree to shutdown. Without the sleep, it doesn't affect me the next day in any way. It would be as if nothing happened.

Have you ever experienced this?
I've never had to deal with this myself, but it's odd that you don't feel the need to sleep. It's also dangerous though too, since your body needs rest in order to function properly. I have stayed up for almost 24 hours before, though I ended up crashing. I was 15 years old and I stayed up all night with my best friend then stayed up until 9 the next evening.
I have never experienced this kind of a thing when it comes to sleeping and any day that I cannot be able to sleep for 24 hours, I wouldn't hesitate to go to the hospital the next day. This is because it is something that is showing a very big sign that something is surly wrong with my health which needs to be taking care of immediately.
I tried it when I needed to adjust my sleep pattern, but I always failed because when the night passed and the next morning came, you think that you can work and sleep only in the evening, but I always did not refrain and fell asleep at lunchtime, which even more spoiled my regime
I will never willingly push myself not to sleep in a whole day. What would be my reason for trying to deprive myself of sleep on my own? It's only when I might be ill that being able to sleep will be difficult. I would be forced to stay awake more than I should.
There are some days when I can't sleep at all to continue my days activities for the next day. No matter how much I try to sleep, my body would never agree to shutdown. Without the sleep, it doesn't affect me the next day in any way. It would be as if nothing happened.

Have you ever experienced this?
I have experienced being unable to shut my mind down and rest. Usually after 24hours I’m effed! I can’t carry on a conversation or even the most basic of things. I need my sleep!
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I have experienced being unable to shut my mind down and rest. Usually after 24hours I’m effed! I can’t carry on a conversation or even the most basic of things. I need my sleep!
If you fail to sleep, your body will suffer wear and tear. Resting is very important in our lives. It's why I get so much worried when I don't sleep as I should.
I have experienced being unable to shut my mind down and rest. Usually after 24hours I’m effed! I can’t carry on a conversation or even the most basic of things. I need my sleep!
The only reason why something like this would happen to me is if there is a personal problem which is disturbing me mentally and physically, it's going to be capable of making me to lose sleep. I've experienced this once or twice last year but I know what caused it and sorted it quickly.
The only reason why something like this would happen to me is if there is a personal problem which is disturbing me mentally and physically, it's going to be capable of making me to lose sleep. I've experienced this once or twice last year but I know what caused it and sorted it quickly.
I had this happen a lot before I found the right meds, I would get stuck on a thought and not be able to let it rest and would be awake the whole night. After three days of no sleep I didn’t know where I was or up from down.
I never had much issue sleeping as a whole, but work has had me up for 24 hours at a time, and while I was own our rescue, 24 hrs awake never seemed bad. Overall, as long as I got good sleep a few nights before, the one or two days up were never much of an issue. Today, however, I will gladly take the sleep.
It happens to me sometimes when I still not sleeping the whole night and I have a full day of work but this decreases a lot my level of concentration a lot and you are extremely tired the next day even if I sleep.
Well, I have been awake up for 24 hours and even longer a couple of times. That was during my college days when we used to party all through the nigh and go back to home in the morning and then freshen up and then go to a tuition class. We used to put oils in our eyes to put off sleep.
I had this happen a lot before I found the right meds, I would get stuck on a thought and not be able to let it rest and would be awake the whole night. After three days of no sleep I didn’t know where I was or up from down.

When you don't sleep well in the night, you are going to be looking like a dead zombie in the morning with how your face is going to look. It's good that you have managed to get the right meds for your issues because life without sleep is not living at all.
I've had trouble with sleeping sometimes but it have never happened to the extent I didn't shut my eyes for at least 1 hour. I would freak out if this happened to me.
I've had trouble with sleeping sometimes but it have never happened to the extent I didn't shut my eyes for at least 1 hour. I would freak out if this happened to me.
I also have problems, but when this happens I already try to stay awake until the beginning of the next evening because if I even sleep for 1 hour in the afternoon, it will be difficult for me to fall asleep in the evening and my sleep pattern will be disrupted again
I've had trouble with sleeping sometimes but it have never happened to the extent I didn't shut my eyes for at least 1 hour. I would freak out if this happened to me.

It was God who created sleep and it's why when you don't sleep when you're supposed to sleep, your whole body system will change. This is why when I see those who are compromising their sleep, I tell them that they don't know what they are doing to themselves.
Well, I have been awake up for 24 hours and even longer a couple of times. That was during my college days when we used to party all through the nigh and go back to home in the morning and then freshen up and then go to a tuition class. We used to put oils in our eyes to put off sleep.
And I also had such moments when after the party I still had to take a break from studying, but when the lesson was taking place, the time just went by incredibly long, because you always want to sleep and you do not understand the information that is being told to you very well. After that I could sleep for 15 hours in a row