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Are you happy with your physical appearance?

Mad Hatter


Mar 6, 2024
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Some of us are, some of us are not. As to me I keep my hair neat and tidy, I watch my weight, and I work out and exercise so I do my part to look as good as I can. I also consider myself to be a snappy dresser. I stand 5'8" tall and am a very sturdy and muscular 180 pounds.

While I don't think that I'm handsome, I'm not ugly either and I have never had a problem attracting the opposite sex. I have dark blue eyes and reddish brown hair. Women have told me that I have "bedroom eyes". (whatever that means):cool:

How about you, are you satisfied with the way you look and the shape that you're in?
We need to thank god for the physical appearance that god has given to us. Because changing something that is not for medical purposes is something wrong. This could lead to bad behaviors.
A resounding no.
It doesn't matter what you look like @MamaFrankie because I know you from another site and you are cool irregardless.:)

We need to thank god for the physical appearance that god has given to us. Because changing something that is not for medical purposes is something wrong. This could lead to bad behaviors.
Well that is what transgender people do, no?
I am very contented with my physical appearance. I'm just 2 inches shy of 6 feet and lean on the slim side, a few months of workout will see me being muscular in my own lane. I'm dark in complexion and have straight legs, so I love my physical appearance.
I'm just 2 inches shy of 6 feet
I would like to be taller so always wear boots with a bit of a heel on them so I look like I'm 5'10". I like to wear cowboy boots or hiking boots. At home I wear slippers so am back to being 5'8" again.
I would like to be taller so always wear boots with a bit of a heel on them so I look like I'm 5'10". I like to wear cowboy boots or hiking boots. At home I wear slippers so am back to being 5'8" again.
It's something good but not possible without operation at certain age or medecines to be frank need medical interfere against nature.
I wish I was a little stronger, but I'm happy with the way I look.
At the moment I am not, I believe a lot more improvements can be made. I am currently working hard to reduce more weights and at the same time be more fit and healthy.
Thank you, MadHatter. I am too big where I don't want to be and not big enough where I want to be, if that makes sense.
Thank you, MadHatter. I am too big where I don't want to be and not big enough where I want to be, if that makes sense.
I think you are referring to the classic "bell shape" that many women contend with.
I'm too small in height and too large in breast size.
Thing is though, I don't want to attract a man. Or a woman.
I want to be stronger. I train to see that I have built muscles and that is the first stage of having a good and nice body shape.
I'm quite happy with my appearance, people always compliment me all the time. I do aspire to be a little more thicker but then I'd be too heavy. Having confidence is key.
I am not happy with how I look. That's why I try to put on nice dress, fashion accessories and make up so that I look attractive. I want to be realist and not lie about myself. I always try to improve my look but I don't go too far
I now weigh about 55 kilograms and for a girl's body it is very cool and I am definitely satisfied because I am not very tall and literally 3 years ago I looked very bad, which is why I decided to start training
I'm generally satisfied with how I look and my level of fitness, but there's always room for improvement. I've worked hard through disciplined diet and exercise to get into decent shape.
I don't have a good physical appearance, but I still don't give it importance because you cannot change it. Whatever you have, you should try to enhance it. You should focus more on your intelligence, character, behavior, and other things that can be enhanced.