Discussion Hub

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Search results

  1. svjiminfxv

    What is the weather like today?

    It is cloudy today and chilly. Sun is trying to come out but not sure if we will get any sun today.
  2. svjiminfxv

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    Feeling slightly tired and aching today. Hoping to feel better later.
  3. svjiminfxv

    What food would you never eat if you were paid?

    Macaroni and cheese. I cannot stand the smell or the taste of it. No amount of money would get me to eat that.
  4. svjiminfxv

    Have you been stung by a bee?

    I have never been stung by a bee. I am scared of bees as I don't want to be stung by one.
  5. svjiminfxv

    Do you prefer wireless headphones over wired ones?

    I only use wireless headphones when I am listening to music when I am out. When I am gaming, I use wired headphones.
  6. svjiminfxv

    Gaming What are your favourite video game snacks?

    My favourite is crisps, chocolate, sweets or some peach slices. Sometimes I'll have a biscuit as well.
  7. svjiminfxv

    Mobile Gaming What is your favourite mobile game at the moment?

    My favourite mobile game is Rhythm Hive. It has been my favourite game since 2021 as they are always updating it and adding new K-pop groups to the game.
  8. svjiminfxv

    Mobile Gaming Tester Buddy

    I have tried Tester Buddy and got 1 small payment as I haven't played it as much. I'm going to try to get back on to play it again.
  9. svjiminfxv

    Have you seen the giant puppets that have gone viral on TikTok?

    Yes, they are so scary. I don't understand why people would make something like this. The scariest thing about them is that they look directly at people and do bodily functions like a human.
  10. svjiminfxv

    Do you take showers in the AM or PM?

    I usually take showers in the evening. I never have time in the mornings as I always wake up late, so it is a lot easier for me to shower in the evening.
  11. svjiminfxv

    What is your go-to order at Starbucks?

    My go-to order at Starbucks is a Caramel Cream Frappuccino or a Cookies and Cream Frappuccino. I'm not a big coffee drinker so these are perfect for me. What is your go-to order at Starbucks?
  12. svjiminfxv

    Cadbury or Galaxy Chocolate?

    Cadbury is my favourite Chocolate to have as they have a wide variety of fillings in their chocolates. They are not as rich as Galaxy Chocolate either. Which do you prefer and why?
  13. svjiminfxv

    Favourite food from the takeaway?

    My favourite food to have from the takeaway would have to be BBQ chicken pizza or a Chicken wrap with garlic. What's your favourite food to have from the takeaway?
  14. svjiminfxv

    Do you like Shortbread?

    I used to but I don't like it anymore. It doesn't have much flavour to it.
  15. svjiminfxv

    What is one food you could eat daily and not tire of?

    Noodles. I love noodles as it's a simple meal and tasty. Can't go wrong with a bowl of noodles.
  16. svjiminfxv

    Have you tried the Hot Milkshakes from Costa Coffee?

    Nope, I haven't tried them yet and probably won't either. They sound gross as milkshakes are supposed to be cold.
  17. svjiminfxv

    What is your go-to meal at McDonald's?

    My go-to meal at McDonald's is a Chicken mayo, with large fries and an Oasis. My favourite meal.
  18. svjiminfxv

    What food have you disliked your whole life?

    One food I have disliked my whole life is mushrooms. I hate the texture of them.
  19. svjiminfxv

    Blind date?

    I've never been on any blind dates and I wouldn't trust a blind date either. I just don't like the idea of meeting with someone I have never met or spoken to before.
  20. svjiminfxv

    Do you wish we could travel to other planets not in our solar system?

    I'd be willing to check it out as it sounds cool to go to another planet. I'd only live on another planet when I know it was fully safe though.