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What food would you never eat if you were paid?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Everyone has their favorite food that they can eat every day, but everyone also has food that they simply cannot tolerate. For me, for example, fish is a dish that I cannot eat in any form, and even if I were paid, I would still not eat it.
Shellfish, I am allergic to it so eating it will cause anaphylaxis.
I’d eat lobster and catfish everyday. Seafood is my absolute favorite food.
When I was a kid I was forced to eat beets, I think it was made in some sort of vinegar dressing, and I was getting sick to my stomach so I told my parents that I was going to throw up, my Dad didn't believe me and forced me to eat it. Well I did vomit, and since then I can not eat them at all.
I've heard that there are some part of the world where people eat dog meat and also snake meat. There is nothing in this world that would make me to succumb to eating dog as meat or even snakes. I hate snakes so much more than anything. Both of them are something I would never bring myself to consume for any amount of money.
I've heard that there are some part of the world where people eat dog meat and also snake meat. There is nothing in this world that would make me to succumb to eating dog as meat or even snakes. I hate snakes so much more than anything. Both of them are something I would never bring myself to consume for any amount of money.
I would also never eat a dog or a cat in the world, but I have different feelings about a snake. I know that they have a very specific taste of meat, so if I had the opportunity to try really well-cooked snake meat, I would try a small piece
Macaroni and cheese. I cannot stand the smell or the taste of it.
No amount of money would get me to eat that.
I don't think I would be able to eat dog meat, I know some persons who do and according to them it is really sweet, but I just can't. Though I don't own a dog as pet.
No amount of money could convince me to eat balut.. those fertilized duck eggs with partially-developed embryos inside. I'm an adventurous eater and have tried many unique cuisines, but balut is where I absolutely draw the line. The thought of biting into a partially-formed baby duck makes my stomach turn. I respect that it's a cultural delicacy in some places, but the texture, appearance, and very concept of eating a nascent life form is simply revolting to me. You couldn't pay me enough to willingly put balut in my mouth.
I really don't think that I have a food that I would never eat even if I was paid to eat it. Thankfully I am someone that does not have any food allergies as long as it is food that people eat, once I eat it I'm good to go.
I would never eat beans no matter what happens! It gives me bloated stomach and I have running tummy all day, with frequent visits to the toilet 🙄
I eat all the meals all of you have posted, and I enjoy them so much. I practically eat everything, I've never had snails, crocodiles, or snakes I don't think I can ever taste them. I think some of the Korean cuisines are a bit weird to eat.
I can never fathom eating frogs as well.
I would never eat any animal product. I am vegan and for animal rights. I also hate anything minty as I cannot bear the smell. Likewise pickled onions.
Everyone has their unique preferences! What are some of your favorite vegan dishes or ingredients? When did you decide to become vegan? I like how you have strong convictions about your diet and your preferences.
I became vegetarian in 1996 as I worked at an animal sanctuary and could not reconcile working for animals and eating them. In 2017, I got deeply into animal rights and became vegan. I love all vegan foods but don't have any particular favourite recipes as I cannot cook! I love almond milk though.
I'm very much like a goat in that I will eat pretty well anything.
This is a good question and one I can answer very easily. There are two things I feel I wouldn't eat, even if I was offered payment to eat them and they would be

Mac and Cheese

these are two foods I just could never stomach and no amount of money would push me to.
I occassionally eat non vegetarian food and that too only chicken. I don't want to eat beef, poke or any other meat.
I occassionally eat non vegetarian food and that too only chicken. I don't want to eat beef, poke or any other meat.
So you only eat chicken meat? But why don't you want to eat beef pork and other types of meat, is it because of your diabetic status?
So you only eat chicken meat? But why don't you want to eat beef pork and other types of meat, is it because of your diabetic status?

I don't know why I don't want to eat them. In my family most of the people are vegetarian, they don't eat meat.