Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Debashis

    What's your favorite cookies?

    Yes, I like eating cookies. I don't have any specific favorite Christmas cookies, but I enjoy classic ones like gingerbread and sugar cookies. Apart from Christmas cookies, I like the butter cookies that we get here in India. They are yummy!
  2. Debashis

    Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

    At the beginning of every year, I list 5-6 things I want to accomplish in the particular year. They are more like goals that may or may not be achieved but would be tried to achieve for sure. Can we call them "New Year Resolutions"?
  3. Debashis

    Last person you spoke to?

    The last person I spoke to was my dad which was last night after dinner. He calls me every day at night to check on me. Somedays when he gets busy, I give him a call to check on him. He has been doing this ever since I started staying outside due to college or work.
  4. Debashis

    Last thing you bought?

    The last thing I bought was a ticket to a recently released Bollywood movie titled, "Fighter" which I watched yesterday evening along with a friend of mine. I had bought popcorn there too and lol the price of popcorn was more than that of the ticket.
  5. Debashis

    DH Contests February 2024 Top Posters of the Month (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

    I love the idea of rewarding the top 5 posters of the month. It would be great to have it extended to the top 10 posters as well but I think that $100 won't be sufficient. Maybe if the budget increases to $200, it would work out well. :D
  6. Debashis

    Who performs music?

    I used to play drums during my school days. I learned it during the music period which used to happen for 1 hour every week on Friday. I really used to enjoy playing drums but it has been since then that I have not played them. I wish to buy one drum set after getting married.
  7. Debashis

    Username origin

    There's no backstory behind my username. I'm using my real name as my username. In case you are interested in knowing what my name, "Debashis" means, it means "God's Blessing". "Deb" means God, "Ashis" means Blessing.
  8. Debashis

    Rich or Famous?

    I would rather be famous and broke because having genuine connections and relationships with others is more valuable than wealth. Money can't buy meaningful connections, and being famous could still provide opportunities for personal fulfillment and making a positive impact on others. Also...
  9. Debashis

    Would you rather own or rent your house?

    I have my own home in my hometown but since I've been staying outside for my job for the past 5 years, I've been staying in a rented room (PG). It's like a room where 2-3 people stay together and pay monthly rent. Food, washing machine, water, electricity, etc, are provided. I can choose to stay...
  10. Debashis

    Do you still celebrate your birthday?

    I don't feel like celebrating my birthday because I don't feel I've achieved anything yet that makes it worth celebrating the day. When I'm with my friends and family, they end up celebrating it but when I'm alone, I never get the urge of doing it.
  11. Debashis

    Do you wish we could travel to other planets not in our solar system?

    Yes, I would be willing to travel to other planets. It would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore new frontiers, expand our knowledge of the universe, and potentially contribute to the advancement of human civilization.
  12. Debashis

    What is your level of education?

    I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering. I'm definitely proud of it because I learned about several other sub-domains of it like electronics, computers, telecommunication, etc., which has all helped me in getting really great jobs!
  13. Debashis

    Summer or winter?

    I always prefer winter over summer because the summer days here at my place are extremely hot and humid. I hate it. The sweating and itching it causes is really irritating. I also love to stay in a cold environment as it keeps me calm, and in a chilled mood and it enhances the romantic guy in me...
  14. Debashis

    If you could change one thing

    If I could change one thing about the world, I would eliminate poverty. Poverty breeds inequality, suffering, and limited opportunities for individuals and communities. By eradicating poverty, we can create a more just and equitable society where everyone has access to basic needs and...
  15. Debashis

    DH Contests (WINNERS ANNOUNCED) Discussion Hub New Year Posting Contest! Share Your Post Count to Enter!

    Thanks and congratulations guys. You guys deserved it. 😊❤️ Great job by @Monster Masterpiece as well. @Henrywrites @Ja sa bong : You two were literally hiding your online status and spying on the forum to check if anyone passed your post count. 🤣 lmao I was laughing everytime I was seeing you...
  16. Debashis

    Home remedies for a stuffy nose

    This is a really effective way to get rid of stuffy nose. I was recently down with cold and taking steam really helped me a lot. It clears the nose so easily. You should try it. Trust me, it'll work.
  17. Debashis

    What do you do with your food leftovers?

    During weekends, I usually order a heavy meal for lunch intentionally so that I can have the leftovers at night for dinner. This way, I save a lot of money too by just ordering once and enough quantity for two times of meal.
  18. Debashis

    Your favourite shoe brand?

    My favorite shoes brands are Wildcraft and Puma. I have a trekking shoe from Wildcraft and a running shoe from Puma that I use whenever I step out or hit the gym. These two are my favorite brands because their shoes are of great quality and hence they last long.