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  1. Sanjeev

    Do you use your mobile when you know it's battery has gone down to 20%?

    I know it's not good, but I still use my phone even when the battery of it goes down to 20%. I have read it is not good because it emits bad radiation when there is low battery. Do you think it emits harmful radiation? Do you use a mobile phone even when it has a low battery?
  2. Sanjeev

    Have You watched DDLJ?

    I have watched it to an extent that I remembered few of its dialogue too. Every character of the movie was great. I like the role of a strict father "Amrish Puri" the most.
  3. Sanjeev

    Movies Have You watched Baadshah?

    Yes, I have watched it. Shahrukh acted well in the movie. The songs were also good of this movie.
  4. Sanjeev

    In your opinion, is it better to have a common name or an uncommon one?

    Yes, they have Sabhya and Saumya. They are twin kids.
  5. Sanjeev

    At what time you sleep at night?

    I usually sleep at 11:30 pm, and I have always tried to go to sleep early, but because of my work shift schedule, I can't, and I think that's the reason I always feel tired. At what time do you sleep daily?
  6. Sanjeev

    In your opinion, is it better to have a common name or an uncommon one?

    Yes, she is. My kids in school never found anyone with the similar names and most of the people remember their names because they're so unique.
  7. Sanjeev

    Do you write your daily expenses in a diary?

    I have seen lots of people doing it. They want to record their expenses, check how much they have spent in the month, and compare it with their monthly budget. I have never done this, and I regret why I don't do it. Do you record your expenses in a diary daily?
  8. Sanjeev

    In your opinion, is it better to have a common name or an uncommon one?

    They both are synonyms of Lord Shiva and my wife is devotee of Him so she wanted to keep their names of His name.
  9. Sanjeev

    In your opinion, is it better to have a common name or an uncommon one?

    I like to have a unique name, but my parents liked to have their kids have a common name. I have searched a lot before I kept unique names of my kids as Himadri (daughter) and Himnish (son). You won't find people with such names.
  10. Sanjeev

    Do you buy second hand things?

    I have seen people like to buy second-hand things as they are cheaper than new ones. But I never like to buy second-hand items because I fear they may have defects and may not be as good as a new item in terms of quality. Do you like to buy second-hand items?
  11. Sanjeev

    Reason You Are Relocating to other country?

    They think Europe and other countries are more developed and have more opportunities to earn, so they think to migrate there. I have never thought to migrate to another country because I know I cannot adjust myself to a different culture and tradition.
  12. Sanjeev

    Do you live in a rented house or have your own house?

    I have my own parental house. I have never liked to live in a rented house, as you have to live there as per the set rules of the owner. I have listened to the stories of people about how they have issues with the landlord. Do you have your own house, or do you live in a rented house?
  13. Sanjeev

    Reason for Increase in Divorce cases?

    This is because most of the couples work these days and earn and have become egoistic, and their ego clashes and causes the conflict between them. That is the major reason why the divorce cases have increased these days.
  14. Sanjeev

    Do you like scary movies?

    Yes, we all like to watch horror movies more than any other movie. Once a week we select a good horror movie and watch it mostly on Sunday.
  15. Sanjeev

    How do people address you? Do they use your name, a title, or some other combination of words?

    People address me by my name and not by my surname.
  16. Sanjeev

    Who Named You?

    My parents named me Sanjeev. In those days people were not conscious; they used to keep the names they used to find a common one, unlike these days when people search names on Google.
  17. Sanjeev

    Do you remember faces? If you have met a person, do you easily recognize them later?

    Yes I do. I don't forget the face or name of a person once meet that person.
  18. Sanjeev

    Have You Watched Jawaan movie?

    I have heard about the movie but have not watched the same.
  19. Sanjeev

    Have you heard about the game Kho-Kho?

    Yes, we used to play it in the school and at home , it was quiet a popular game and many persons can play it together.
  20. Sanjeev

    What do you do?

    Patrol police is always there on the roads at least at night but one must inform them that an accident has occured.