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Who Named You?


Active Contributor

Aug 28, 2024
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In our family our Grandparents name me and my elder sister. My sister's name is Madhu she was named by my Grandmother.
From what I heard, a lot of persons named me. From my parents to my aunt who named me David, to some of my parent's friends.
David is a very nice name. My first boyfriends name was also David, we were in school together.
My mother originally but I hated the name so I renamed myself in 1981.
My parents named me Sanjeev. In those days people were not conscious; they used to keep the names they used to find a common one, unlike these days when people search names on Google.
Sorry you hated the name but wasn't your mother mad at you when you changed
Yes and refused to acknowledge it. But since it was legal, there was nothing she could do about it.
It's your choice so it's all good. Parents should not involve in everything and let us do what we want
Apologies, Prerna, I misread the name. And I agree with you.
I have Indian friends and some of their parents are quite strict.
It's like this in India but in the past 5 years things are changing rapidly and now parents have started to learn and move with time.
The way our culture demands for naming is that you will have two or three persons that will be there. One male and one female will name you. Yeah, grandmothers have special name for every kid.
My parents named me. I’m actually named after the dad as I’ma jr.