Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Search results

  1. S

    Have you ever bought clothes online and what was your experience?

    Experience has taught me that when you buy clothes online, 70 percent of the time, you end up getting disappointed when they get delivered.
  2. S

    Why do you visit a persons profile?

    I visit people's profiles on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, just to figure out the kind of person they are. Nothing much about it.
  3. S

    Music If you could have dinner with any musician, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

    Aretha Franklin is definitely one musician I would want to meet in real life! Too bad she died about 6 years ago. I still listen to some of her some of her songs and wish she was still here.
  4. S

    How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Parents

    My mum is like my sister, we get along so well that people don't believe she's my mom. She's my gist partner and the first person I run to for advice. I couldn't have gotten a better woman as my mum 💖
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    Debate Are fast food attempts at a deal too small?

    As someone who loves cooking, I don't fancy the idea of eating outside at all. So I rarely do it, except maybe on occasions or outings or date nights.
  6. S

    What was your dream job as a child?

    I wanted to be a medical doctor, or at least a nurse. But now I'm in an entirely different profession 🥺 which is not exactly bad, but I feel my life would have been better if I had achieved my desire.
  7. S

    Do you wish to settle in rural place?

    I'm not really a fan of quiet and reserved places. I like the bubbling life better, and the city offers it best.
  8. S

    What do you find hard to accept about yourself

    The fact that at my age I still don't know the bearing of my life yet. I feel like I have not gotten my life together, and that is not what I told things will be like when I was younger. Life can be tricky.
  9. S

    Do you suffer from megalophobia?

    I have a friend that acts tensed when she is in the presence of very large objects. She finds it hard to go to airports because of the large airplanes. Maybe she has megalophobia? 🤔
  10. S

    Do you make enough money?

    Capital NO, I don't make enough to get by. I wish I can make more.
  11. S

    Cat accidentally attends a news interview!

    Aww that's cute! The interviewer should have asked the cat a few questions, it was there for a reason after all!
  12. S

    Should you drink water before, during or after the meals? How it impacts your digestion

    Why does it matter? Everyone have their own choice as long as it befits their stomach. As for me, I drink water when I eat and after eating.
  13. S

    How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

    I won't lie, TikTok is what I use to clear my head whenever I feel stressed or down. So I find it useful. Sometimes I make reels and post too, there's no harm in that. 😉