Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Why do you visit a persons profile?

I do often peruse other users' profiles on forums I frequent, especially if their posts or comments pique my interest. If I find their perspectives particularly insightful or entertaining, I'll look at their profile to get a better sense of who they are.
In the previous forums I interact with, there are a few times when i will check a poster's profile just to see how they reason. This could either be for a good or bad impression.
I rarely check the profile of a person unless I am curious to know about the person, like where he is from, when he joined the site, or when he was last active on the site. I don't think most people check it, as they find it a waste of time.
I rarely check the profile of a person unless I am curious to know about the person, like where he is from, when he joined the site, or when he was last active on the site. I don't think most people check it, as they find it a waste of time.
I wouldn't call it a waste of time since it takes less than a minute to check someone's profile. I do it when I'm interested in the person.
You can say but still for some people 1 minute also is precious😅

Yes, sometimes I take more than a minute. Like I was checking your profile but didn't get anything. I could not know from which country you are? And something more about you.😊
You can say but still for some people 1 minute also is precious😅

Yes, sometimes I take more than a minute. Like I was checking your profile but didn't get anything. I could not know from which country you are? And something more about you.😊
Oh, don't mind me, I tend to be selective of the kinds of information about myself that I put online.
Oh, don't mind me, I tend to be selective of the kinds of information about myself that I put online.

That's fine!

But still I should know, from which country you belong to? May I know?

The only profile I might visit is either my own so that I can edit it, or if I do visit another profile it's to send a private message to someone and has nothing at all to do with their content
Its pretty much the same for me, or in most cases I simply visit it to find out what country they are from just our of curiosity.
I visit people's profiles on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, just to figure out the kind of person they are. Nothing much about it.
I do not do this because I am not interested in knowing personal data about a person because it will not change anything. I'm just interested in having an interesting conversation and it doesn't matter how old the person is
Do you normally like to visit people's profile on forums that you're making use of? What makes you go to check out another user's profile?

Is it because of their profile picture or the kind of posts they make?
Actually it depends may be on that or one to other reason but for me I hardly visit people's profile unless they are very familiar to me
Actually it depends may be on that or one to other reason but for me I hardly visit people's profile unless they are very familiar to me

Sometimes I check the profile of strangers to know more about a person. We have to start from somewhere to familiarise with a person.
Sometimes I check the profile of strangers to know more about a person. We have to start from somewhere to familiarise with a person.
Actually I am not so closed friend to any that's why I don't do so but at time I do it on Facebook in other to have more information
Do you normally like to visit people's profile on forums that you're making use of? What makes you go to check out another user's profile?

Is it because of their profile picture or the kind of posts they make?
If someone sends me a message, I’ll check out their profile.