Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Ja sa bong

    How to make your life adventurous?

    Adventurers can mean anything to anyone which is why when it comes to making your life adventurous, you will have to think of the things that you enjoy doing and try as much as possible to have them taken care of so that you are going to be very happy with how you have lived your life.
  2. Ja sa bong

    How do you avoid digital distractions?

    It is very difficult for you to avoid digital distraction on daily basis especially when you are on your computer and your smartphone throughout the day. The best thing which you can do for yourself is to try and focus on the task at hand and make sure that you complete most of them whenever you...
  3. Ja sa bong

    Posture correction for those who work on desk

    There is a reason why companies have break times for their workers especially those who are sitting down too much. Make sure that you take your break whenever It is time for you to do so and not try to do any other work at that moment because your body needs that break so that you will not be...
  4. Ja sa bong

    How to avoid overtraining and burnout during fitness routine?

    How you are going to avoid over training and burnout during fitness routine is by making sure that you listen to your body whenever you are working out. This is because you will know personally when you are given too much working out drills to your body and it's likely going to result to injury...
  5. Ja sa bong

    Effective time management techniques for balancing work and personal life

    Knowing how to effectively manage your time is something that is going to be very beneficial to you because it will help you to understand how to use your time judiciously. You will know when it is the right time for you to work and also when it is in right time for you to take a break. This is...
  6. Ja sa bong

    How to improve sleep quality?

    The best way for you to improve your sleep quality is by making sure that you don't overwork yourself too much when you are supposed to be sleeping. Learn how to take a break from work and take a break for your body rest because too much stress is not something that is going to be beneficial for...
  7. Ja sa bong

    How Do You Maintain Your Wellbeing?

    There are so many ways people maintain their well-being but the things that I normally do to maintain my own is by living a healthy lifestyle, working out frequently so that I will keep fit and minding what I eat because most of the time, people suffer from different health challenges as a...
  8. Ja sa bong

    How to cultivate a positive mindset and overcome negative thinking patterns

    From my experience, I know that it is what you feed your mind that it is always going to be constantly thinking about which is the reason why I try as much as possible to eliminate any kind of negative thoughts from my mind so that it doesn't cloud most of the things I think of to effect how I...
  9. Ja sa bong

    What are your impressions of the rain, do you like it or not?

    I used to play a lot under the rain when I was still a kid and it's something we do very often in my neighbourhood because there are so many kids that were living together in my neighbourhood at the time. My parents used to allow us to play in the rain but make sure that they have us well dried...
  10. Ja sa bong

    Reducing screen time and digital overload in daily life

    It is very important for you to make sure that whatever you are doing when it comes to working online and the number of hours which you spend on screen on daily basis is reduced so that the negative impact it is having on your eyes is not something that is going to be detrimental to your eyes...
  11. Ja sa bong

    How to achieve personal goal?

    The best way for you to achieve your personal goals is by starting with setting realistic goals for yourself because that is the only way it will be easy for you to achieve those goals. It is good for someone to dream big but when you are setting goals for yourself, set something that will not...
  12. Ja sa bong

    How to build a healthy relationship with people?

    Building relationship with people is something that you need to do with a lot of care because there are so many people out there who don't understand what relationship is to all about. They are only interested in manipulating and exploiting whatever relationship you have with them to their own...
  13. Ja sa bong

    Sustainable lifestyle and reducing environmental footprint

    Pollution is one of the biggest problems we are facing in the world today and it's as a result of human being activities that is increasing the level of pollution that have been contaminating even the air and water that way make use of which have been causing a lot of serious health issues for...
  14. Ja sa bong

    Do you prioritize self care

    Taking care of yourself is one of the most important thing you can do for yourself because when you are healthy, you can be able to do most of the things which you are supposed to do. If you are working and not taking care of yourself, there is no way you will be able to do your job and get paid...
  15. Ja sa bong

    Positive body image

    Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the best way you can cultivate a very good body image because when you see yourself being healthy from the lifestyle you are living, it is going to encourage you to keep on doing that so that you will not compromise your health and that is going to make it...
  16. Ja sa bong

    How do you reduce anxiety?

    Fortunately, I don't have any anxiety issues which is something I'm very happy about because I know how difficult it is for some of my friends who have to battle anxiety with needing to take pills on daily basis in order to control the anxiety level. This is to help them do the things they are...
  17. Ja sa bong

    Do you have flower pots on your desk and do you take care of them?

    This is why some people prefer to make use of plastic flowers so that they don't have to worry about watering them and taking care of them so that they don't die because in this kind of situation, there are some plants that once you move them from where they used to be, it is going to be very...
  18. Ja sa bong

    How to improve communication skill?

    A lot of people don't have good communication skills today especially when it comes to face-to-face communication. This is as a result of so many social media platform people make use of today to chat and communicate online thereby eliminating the possibility of learning how to communicate in...
  19. Ja sa bong

    How do you manage your finances?

    Managing my finances is something that I know how to do it very well which I don't need to involve any professional to help me to manage it. I learnt how to save and manage finances at a very young age which have helped me to always keep my finances up and doing in order not to find myself in...
  20. Ja sa bong

    How do you develop resilience

    The best way for you to build resilience is by doing something that you are very familiar with because that is the only way you will have the confidence of trusting in what you're doing because you know how productive you can be. Also having good friends who can support you at difficult times...