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  1. Debashis

    Which cryptocurrency wallet do you use?

    I've not yet started investing in crypto because I feel I don't have enough knowledge to become a successful investor there yet. But I have some of my friends who are actively investing in crypto. They use an app called, "Blockchain". It has two wallets in it I guess.
  2. Debashis

    Gaming Do you have or have you used a VR headset?

    I don't own a VR headset yet but I had used it once in a game parlour. I must say, it was really a fun experience. I sometimes watch videos on YouTube where people play VR games. The more I watch them, the more I feel like buying one, hehe. :P
  3. Debashis

    Regarding future contests

    First of all, I would like to appreciate the idea of the posting contest because it is really working out well! :D Through the contest, I got an opportunity to explore different areas of Discussion Hub that I hadn't earlier probably, like the Debate section. It's really having a lot of good...
  4. Debashis

    Information How you can change your username colour and icon

    This looks like a really cool feature but unfortunately, I'm not able to find it. Has it been removed? I don't find anything called "profile block settings". I tried searching everywhere. Could you please help? Thanks! :)
  5. Debashis

    Charging Battery Tips

    Those are some nice tips. A few other things to keep in mind would be to avoid extreme temperatures while charging or storing the battery. We should use a high-quality charger and cable, avoid fast charging unless necessary, and unplug the device once it reaches 100%. It is also important to...
  6. Debashis

    Gaming Have you played Pet Simulator 99 on Roblox?

    I've never heard about this game, Pet Simulator 99. Can you tell me a bit about it? It is like that game called Talking Tom where there's a cat to which you can talk, you can help him brush, take a bath, feed him, get him to sleep on time, etc?
  7. Debashis

    Debate Student loan forgiveness for high grades?

    I think that would be a great thing to implement in the education system. This way every student will try to study hard and get better grades so that they have to pay less at the end of the semester or whatever.
  8. Debashis

    Debate Therapy

    Therapy can be effective for many individuals, providing support, guidance, and strategies to improve mental health. It is not a waste of time and can be beneficial for those seeking personal growth or struggling with mental health issues provided the person is completely open and is not hiding...
  9. Debashis

    Debate Revenge

    I believe in forgiving and moving on. So, taking revenge is something I never think about. Trust me, if you do this as well, life will get a lot better than you think. I also believe that, if people do bad to you and you keep doing good in return, they'll eventually realize their mistake and...
  10. Debashis

    Debate Religion

    I believe religion creates a boundary between humans. People would have been better without religions. Religion is undoubtedly a positive thing to most people but it comes with a lot of negativity too. So much war happens because of religions all around the world. Because of certain acts done by...
  11. Debashis

    Debate Physically disciplining children

    Physical discipline is not an acceptable form of punishment. It can harm a child both physically and emotionally and may perpetuate a cycle of violence. Nonviolent discipline strategies, such as positive reinforcement and setting clear boundaries, can effectively teach children appropriate...
  12. Debashis

    What is your go-to order at Starbucks?

    Here's a confession. I've never had anything from Starbucks yet. 🙈 It's just that the price of the coffee there is unreasonable. Here, we can get a cup of great coffee for Rs. 10/- . But in Starbucks, it's Rs. 200/- (excluding tax). If you do the math, it's 20 times more expensive. Are the...
  13. Debashis

    Cadbury or Galaxy Chocolate?

    I'm yet to try the Galaxy Chocolate so I would have to vote for Cadbury as of now. Maybe when I try it sometime in the future, I will have a different opinion. :p Do you get anything called Cadbury Silk? It comes with a different eating experience.
  14. Debashis

    Favourite food from the takeaway?

    Depending on my mood I would either go with some burger & french fries or some chicken pizza & coke or some chicken roll (wrap) along with some french fries. I don't like garlic in my food so I mention that to them in advance. They make some kind of paste/sauce using garlic which I don't like.
  15. Debashis

    Do you like Shortbread?

    I have a sweet tooth so I like to have anything that is sweet. As you mentioned, it tastes great when eaten with tea. At my home, we usually have toast and softbread while having tea. One must definitely try if they haven't yet. Shouldn't have a lot of it though as it's kinda unhealthy. :P
  16. Debashis

    Have you tried the Hot Milkshakes from Costa Coffee?

    I'm not sure if we have Costa Coffee here but if I find it, I'll definitely try their hot milkshake. From the name, I'm assuming it is just another coffee shop like Starbucks or Cafe Coffee Day?
  17. Debashis

    What is your go-to meal at McDonald's?

    I usually order a Chicken Maharaja Mac Burger with medium-sized fries. Maharaja Mac is an Indian-flavored chicken double-decker burger. It's huge lol. Every time I have it, I feel so full. I'm sure your place would also have an exclusive one.
  18. Debashis


    I'm someone who lives with a no-regrets attitude. Whenever I do something, I get myself ready to face the consequences, both negative as well as positive. So, I never regret anything I do in life.
  19. Debashis

    When was the last time you travelled and where to?

    I last traveled in the month of October last year to celebrate some festivals at home with my family. It's 2000km away from where I stay so I don't visit my home more often. I try to visit at least twice a year though.
  20. Debashis

    What is your favourite drink?

    My favorite soft drink has to be Mountain Dew. I love its taste compared to its competitors. It gives me a kick whenever I drink it lol. It feels really fresh when you have one on a hot summer day. Try once. You'll feel what I meant by getting a "kick". :P