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Debate Therapy


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Sep 23, 2023
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What are your thoughts on therapy? Is it effective? Is it a waste of time? Have you ever tried therapy?
I’ve tried therapy. You have to be able to trust them to actually do talk therapy so it’s not a waste of time. I’m seeing one soon to get to the root so I’m being very open with her because I want it to be worth going.
I have a therapist myself, and I've been seeing her for a few years now. I don't see her as often as I used to though, lately I haven't really been needing one. It can be tricky to find a good one however, my spouse still has yet to find a decent one.
A court ordered it one time. Another time I chose it on my own. Anyway, a good friend can provide the service with no bill or insurance coverage.
Therapy can be effective for many individuals, providing support, guidance, and strategies to improve mental health. It is not a waste of time and can be beneficial for those seeking personal growth or struggling with mental health issues provided the person is completely open and is not hiding anything from the therapist.
The therapy is a medical treatment. So you cannot do auto therapy or what we call auto medication. It needs to be done by a specialist who learns several hours in the university. This is what doctors are saying nowadays.
Mental health is very important and should not be swept under the carpet. And being able to offload to a person that won't judge you in the form of a therapist could be very healing. So many suicide cases could have been averted by a single therapy section.
What kind of therapy you are talking about? Well, a lot of different therapies exist and these therapies have proven to be very effective since ages. Some therapies are even older than modern medicines, even though there have not been too many scientific studies to conclude that these therapies work
Though over here majority of us do not believe in this, as we have very few who actually go for therapy. For me though, I actually believe it is effective and it does help. I have never been to one myself though.
You can pay big $$$ to have someone listen to you that really doesn't give a damn whether you live or die. They are sitting in the chair listening to you while emptying your wallet and filling theirs.

Life can be good if you are strong. Do we really need shrinks? My childhood was a f***ing nightmare, but I got through that and also overcame my drinking/drug problem *BY MYSELF*. I like me, I like the person that I became and I got here *BY MYSELF*.
Therapy is very effective and I urged anybody that feels somehow to go for therapy in order to get themselves. Therapy can be effective if you find a good therapist.