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Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Debashis

    What time did you wake today?

    Usually during weekdays, I wake up at 8:30 AM but I woke up early today at around 7 AM because I had to prepare for an event that was scheduled to start at 10 AM at work. During weekends, I wake up at 9:30 AM or 10 AM sometimes as I sleep late, hehe.
  2. Debashis

    Would you do anything if you're going bald?

    Personally, I would feel self-conscious and embarrassed about going bald. Losing my hair would impact my self-esteem. I would definitely consider undergoing medical treatment or surgery to try and regrow my hair. It would be important to me to regain a sense of confidence and feel comfortable...
  3. Debashis

    Are you someone who enjoys decorating?

    Yes, I love decorating! It allows me to express my creativity and transform spaces into something beautiful and inviting. It's a fun way to add personal touches and make a space feel more like home. Decorating becomes more fun when we do it with our friends and family.
  4. Debashis

    What do you use to pay?

    If I visit a store physically, and they don't accept credit card payments, I use Google Pay to make the payments. If I'm buying something online, it's always my credit card. So, basically, I prefer to use my credit card to make all payments. Only in cases where I can't use it, I use GPay.
  5. Debashis

    If you could have any animal for a pet...

    If I could have any animal as a pet, I would choose a dog. They are loyal, loving, and great companions. Plus, they come in all shapes and sizes, so there's a dog breed for everyone. Personally, I would go for a beagle. I just love them!
  6. Debashis

    Gold or Silver?

    I would go with gold as it is generally considered a better investment than silver due to its historical stability and value retention. Gold has been a reliable store of wealth for centuries, often used as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Its limited supply and high make it an...
  7. Debashis

    Do you wear glasses?

    Yes, I wear glasses all the time. It's been over 10 years now since I've been wearing glasses. I don't care about wearing glasses because I feel they somehow elevate my looks and personality. People who wear glasses and have confidence on their faces are taken more seriously. So, it helps me...
  8. Debashis

    What's your favorite beer?

    I don't drink much. Probably, twice or thrice in a year. But whenever I do, I drink this beer called, "Carlsberg Elephant Strong Super Premium Beer". It's very smooth and I don't feel it's bitterness. Maybe because I have it chilled all the time.
  9. Debashis

    Politeness around the world?

    Yes, there are some cultures that prioritize politeness more than others. Being polite is valued in a lot of countries. A few of them are Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. If you visit these countries, even as a tourist you'll feel like you are at home because the people are too polite in these...
  10. Debashis

    If you could have a superpower

    If I could have a superpower, I would choose the power of teleportation because it would allow me to travel instantly to any location, saving time and money on transportation while also giving me the freedom to explore the world with ease.
  11. Debashis

    Do you prefer tea or coffee?

    Tea, because it offers a wide variety of health benefits. From soothing herbal blends to energizing black teas, there's always a tea to match my mood. Plus, the ritual of brewing and savoring a cup of tea is a calming and comforting experience.
  12. Debashis

    What's your favorite browser?

    Google Chrome has always been my favorite browser ever since it was released. I use it on all my devices. Whether I'm browsing the internet on my mobile, laptop, desktop, or tablet, it's always Google Chrome that I use.
  13. Debashis

    Favorite Animals

    Cats and dogs. They are both loving and loyal companions, providing comfort and joy to their owners. Cats are independent and low-maintenance while dogs are sociable energetic. Each brings unique qualities to our lives, making them cherished members of our families.
  14. Debashis


    I used to have acne on my forehead because I have oily skin and also I used to put a lot of oil in my hair. I stopped putting oil in my hair as my hair is naturally oily; Also, I started using tea tree-based facewashes. I've been washing my face twice a day - once before going to bed, and once...
  15. Debashis

    Countries you’d like to visit

    I want to go on a world tour and visit as many countries as I can. I know one lifetime is not enough to explore everything about each and every country but I would love to visit some of the famous ones like South Korea, the UK, the USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Switzerland, etc.
  16. Debashis

    What is your daily routine?

    During the weekdays, I wake up at 8 AM, get ready by 9 AM, reach the office by 9:15 AM, come back home by 5:30 PM, take a shower, spend some time browsing forums, listening to music, or watching something on YT, go for dinner at 9:30 PM, call at home and talk to my parents, call my girlfriend...
  17. Debashis

    Love at first sight?

    It depends on the situation. If you see someone's kind gesture and fall in love, in most cases that person would be actually good. But if you are falling in love by seeing someone's beauty or glamour, you have to spend a lot more time with that person in order to know their heart. Only when you...
  18. Debashis

    How fast can you type?

    I've not measured it but I can type pretty fast. I have also developed the skill to type without actually looking at the keyboard. My friends get amazed whenever they see my type lol. Since childhood, I've been using computers. That's why I have got this speed at typing.
  19. Debashis


    I think tattoos are a form of self-expression and can hold personal meaning for individuals. Some people find them beautiful and empowering, while others may not be as fond of them. Ultimately, it's a personal choice and as long as it's done safely and responsibly, I believe everyone should be...
  20. Debashis

    Do you like sleeping with pillows?

    I love sleeping with pillows! They provide the perfect amount of comfort and support for my head and neck, allowing me to have a restful night's sleep. It's like cuddling with a soft cloud! I can't sleep without a pillow. I've never done so.