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Love at first sight?


Active Contributor

Oct 1, 2023
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Being in a relationship can be a great experience for a lot of people. It is always nice to have that person that you wish to spend the rest of your life with. When it comes to falling in love, do you feel it is cool to fall in love at first sight or you take your time to understand the other person before letting them into your life?
I don't believe in love at first sight. I have to know you better before I can fall in love with you. Anything that happens too fast before that is lust at first sight.
I don't believe in love at first sight. I have to know you better before I can fall in love with you. Anything that happens too fast before that is lust at first sight.
Yeah, definitely agree with this.

I don't believe "love at first sight" exists... true love is based on more than just physical attraction.
Yeah, definitely agree with this.

I don't believe "love at first sight" exists... true love is based on more than just physical attraction.
Yes, if it's only the physical attraction, it's not true love and we both know it's not going to last long. This is why I take who I go into a relationship with very serious.
I don't believe in love at first sight. I have to know you better before I can fall in love with you. Anything that happens too fast before that is lust at first sight.
I agree to an extent but can't that also be love? Attraction can also be a form of love: we mate with people we find attractive, isn't that love?
Yeah, definitely agree with this.

I don't believe "love at first sight" exists... true love is based on more than just physical attraction.

True love goes beyond what we have to think of concerning physical attraction, but it is important to note that a lot of people will also judge physical attraction from those angles when considering who they care and love.
I don’t believe love can happen at first sight. We can LIKE & be attracted to even but love is a different emotion & in my opinion, takes time to grow. Once you like someone, loving them just comes naturally. I say this because look at family members. Some we love but don’t necessarily like.
When I did date, I never liked having a picture & never sent mine. I wanted both of us to get to know each other without looks factoring in.
The mental connection definitely has to be there. But it also can be slow to form. Both parties have to be willing to compromise & accept each other even if they don’t accept what they do, did, believe.
Love at first sight is a scam. I can never believe in it because it doesn't sound normal for someone to fall in love with a person whom you barely know.
I've known some people who met their partner from seeing them once. It's a thing of luck I should say. I don't believe in it though because it doesn't sound right.
I don't believe in love at first sight.
I want to get to know the person before any relationship. If people take it from love at first sight, they are probably getting into a relationship with someone they barely know anything about which can be unsafe.
You should always get to know the person.
It depends on the situation. If you see someone's kind gesture and fall in love, in most cases that person would be actually good. But if you are falling in love by seeing someone's beauty or glamour, you have to spend a lot more time with that person in order to know their heart. Only when you feel that he/she is the right person for you, you should take things forward.
I agree to an extent but can't that also be love? Attraction can also be a form of love: we mate with people we find attractive, isn't that love?
Yes, It is very possible for you to be attracted to someone and over a period of time, you will start developing feelings for that person. Communication plays the key role in starting to develop feelings for the person you're attracted to. It's the key in so much relationship binding with partners.
I agree that such a thing can exist, because if you liked a person at first sight, then you can develop a relationship. How else can you fall in love? Meet unpleasant people and put up with them until love happens?
If you are talking about liking someone from when you see the person for the first time, it's possible because there's no much deep thing with liking someone. If you're talking about falling in love, this is a whole different case because love is deeper than like.
Don't let anyone deceive you, there's no such thing as love at first sight. They want to reel you in under the pretense of love and suck your money dry and dump you right afterwards.
I do not think love at first sight happens, if it happens it only happens in movies or books. IN real life, we might like people, liking people is not love. At first sight, you actually have infatuation. Infatuation is not love. Love at first sight is more of an ideological thing, in real life it does not happen. You can counter me, if you want.
I will also agree that it is only in movies and fiction book stories that you can see love at first sights being sometimes that is realistic because when you bring it down to our real-life setting, people can never easily be truthful with who they are especially when they are dealing with someone they have interest in getting something from. They will always pretend to have advantage over you.
You might see someone for the first time and just get attracted to them, probably due to their looks or how they talk, but for you to truly love them, you will need to know more about them.
I believe that anything like love at first sight is definitely deep seated lust. You can admire or like a person at first sight. And that grows into love from constant contact with the person. But telling me that it is possible to just start loving someone at first instance? That's a perfect lust.
It kind of works. I know people who liked each other on their first meeting and are still together. They kind of share the same vibe and wavelength.

It is rare though, most people fake it.