Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Your earliest forum memory

Goth.net was the first forum I ever came across. Then I went over to rapidforum for a while
I remember joining Glitch City Labs, back in 2006. I was a complete n00b and didn't know what I was doing lol. I also wasn't the best at typing back then, since I never had a computer up until that point. Glitch City Labs shut down in 2020, but there's a new community on Discord. It just isn't the same and I think the staff made a mistake switching to a Discord server since new glitch discoveries are going to be lost to time unless they're discussed in good detail on other sites.
For me, it was signing up to my first forum. The GameShark.com message boards in March of 2000. I had just gotten GameSharks for my PS1 and Dreamcast and was looking to learn more about creating my own codes. Unfortunately I was only able to make codes for the PS1 using a GameShark Pro. The Dreamcast was an entirely different animal. However, I remember signing up on the boards to ask a few questions and I ended up enjoying posting there and became a part of the community and made my way up to VIP before they switched softwares.
Being on a kids forum for news.

It used to be open for just a few hours after school (4 to 8 PM I think)

I stayed on there for longer than I was allowed, too. I spoke with the moderators and they agreed I could stay on passed the age limit as long as I be respectful of language for obvious reasons.

Closed now sadly, but it was a fun place
I was on a Bible study forum around 2002. It had interesting discussions, but there was a problem, cause these really arrogant people came on there. Well, I was arrogant also, lol, but these people were preaching really vile stuff.
It was The Forum Wheel I began with. I had a very good experience on the forum, plus you can make money from posting on it. It wasn't much but it's a nice incentive to post there.
Forum coin was the first forum I first registered on. It was a paid to post forum where I found out someone can earn posting generally on the different sections of the forum.
The forum that brought the experience of what a forum can look like was the Forum wheel. It gave me an idea of how a forum can look like and in as much as it took me till Postloop to see some other side of forums, Forumwheel waw the first forum that I joined some years ago.
Forum coin was the first forum I first registered on. It was a paid to post forum where I found out someone can earn posting generally on the different sections of the forum.
I was active on a forum that pays in Yobit called crypto talk. As Yobit have banned my Yobit account without valid reason I discontinued being active there because no other manner to retrieve the funds except Yobit. After a period I discover forumcoin.
The first forum I ever used was Hubpages Forum. The forum was a platform for writer writing on Hubpages. I think it was in 2012, when I joined the forum and started being active. However, I left the forum because of bully. Then in 2015, I discovered paid to post forums and started contributing on these forums.
No idea. I started with FB and haven't used forums much. A friend suggested this one and I joined.