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Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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For me, Friday evening, like for many, is a big choice and it is better to spend the evening alone in my thoughts or spend it at loud parties and spend money on alcohol. For me, in most cases, the first option is the priority.
Stay in. I can't get out anyway as I am housebound.
It depends on how I'm feeling that very day. If I feel lively, I will likely go out and have fun with my friends. I might end up going to club that very day.
In my teenage days and early adulthood days, I used to go for night out frequently. However, after I completed my university education and then started working, I stopped gong for night out. I don't even remember when I went for a night out last time. I like to stay in the house during the Friday nights.
In my teenage days and early adulthood days, I used to go for night out frequently. However, after I completed my university education and then started working, I stopped gong for night out. I don't even remember when I went for a night out last time. I like to stay in the house during the Friday nights.
I didn't do it often, so I don't even know how cool it is, but as for me, I don't want it, because you need to spend time getting dressed and also getting to the club, and during this time you can do a lot of things at home.
I am an indoor person. Even when my friends tell me to come hang out with them all expense paid by them, I always refuse. I have always been that person that can create maximum fun for myself indoors. Used to club massively before but not anymore. Friday evenings are spent indoors.
I like to go outside and have fun with my friends on Friday nights because we live only once so I like to enjoy and do whatever I want.
My choice would always be to stay in. Besides the fact that staying in would help me save more, am not really the type that enjoys going out.
I like to go outside and have fun with my friends on Friday nights because we live only once so I like to enjoy and do whatever I want.
I think it's cool because it's every person's choice, but not every party is what they want. They even argued with me before when I didn't want to go anywhere and couldn't understand that being at home is what I like to do more
Honestly, I prefer going out to meet and mingle with people instead of staying home all alone. So if I can go out on a Friday night, for a date or night out with the guys, I will not hesitate to do so.
We are homebodies and after our workweek is done like to sit in front of the t.v.
Years ago I would have loved to go out on a Friday night but since getting older and having been out on a Friday night numerous times when I was younger, I would much rather now spend time at home on a Friday night than out.
I am not an evening person. I like day light more than night time parties. There is a lot to do on weekends and we often go for hiking with friends.
I am not an evening person. I like day light more than night time parties. There is a lot to do on weekends and we often go for hiking with friends.
Wow that is a new thing I'm hearing from somebody. The very fact that you prefer to go out during the daytime rather than evenings, could it be because of security issues where you stay? Oh you're just not the type that likes to go out at night?
Friday night is always a fund filled day so it's better I stay at home but many of my folks go to clubs and others place to relax
I am an outgoing person, so if I see any opportunity to step out and chill, I won't miss it for anything. There's nothing like hanging out after a fulfilling week.
Wow that is a new thing I'm hearing from somebody. The very fact that you prefer to go out during the daytime rather than evenings, could it be because of security issues where you stay? Oh you're just not the type that likes to go out at night?

I like sunlight, I prefer nature, which is better in daylight.

Where I live and close by, there is plenty of nature to explore. I get the whole weekend to be free. That's enough time to hangout with like minded friends.
I like sunlight, I prefer nature, which is better in daylight.

Where I live and close by, there is plenty of nature to explore. I get the whole weekend to be free. That's enough time to hangout with like minded friends.
True, the beauty of nature is best observed during the day. Even better when it is with a group of friends. I do that too, but that doesn't take away the night fun too!
Yes, nightlife is not without charms. It has fandom beyond imagination. What do you do mainly during your evening out? What's the major entertainment?
It really depends on my mood and energy levels for the week. If I'm feeling social and up for some fun, I'll usually choose to go out with friends. . But if I'm feeling drained and just need some downtime, I much prefer a cozy night in. Maybe ordering take-out, putting on a good movie, and relaxing on the couch. Both options have their merits . it just depends what I need in that particular moment.