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Jun 24, 2024
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Is it true that the tongue of a woman is more dangerous than most of the wild animals?
I think you are misquoting this. The exact way it is said is "the tongue is more dangerous than most of the wild animals". Women wasn't mentioned and this quote is a general facts not for a specific gender.
Not only women , tongue of every human being is more dangerous than sword. The bad words hurt more than the physically injury which can be cured by medicines but when you're hurt by words of someone , it cannot be cured by any medicine.
Wow perfect well said I agree with you 100 percent because ladies of now a days prefer money than true love
Not really of a woman but rather of a man. And when I say man here I am taking about both genders. Our tongue carries power. The things we say have the ability to break or make others.
It is said that words are more hurting than physical. You cannot heal the loss done by words. Therefore we should control what we speak and check our words may not hurt anyone.
Is it true that the tongue of a woman is more dangerous than most of the wild animals?
Yes you are right and it was true but including men's because everyone has a tongue and some bad words hurts more than physical injury
While it's true that a tongue could be dangerous but it is essential to note that not all tongue are as wild as a wild animals. But it is also wrong to say that women's tongue are deadlier because those who confessed crimes as witnesses are men so men's tongues could be accused too.