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Who creates art?


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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What do you make? Where did you learn? Who taught you? Are you good? What are some accomplishments or near-accomplishments?
Art creation isn't for me. I've never tried it as an adult. I tried drawing when I was a kid but I wasn't any good at it.
No, I don't have any knowledge of how to create any kind of artisc work. I can't draw, paint or mold anything. Any art I have in my house are all bought.
I have small knowledge of how to paint. It's gives a good feeling when I've painted something nice. I started painting when I was 13 years old.
I have never created any arts in my life. I love arts but I don't know how to create them. This is why I resort to buying anyone I love. They have to be very interesting and unique before I would be willing to spend my money on any of them. So far, all the arts I've bought are good.
I do most website related graphics. I learned so that I can use it for my needs. I think my work is decent.
I liked drawing and paining but lack of proper training, I could not explore my art. Therefore, it went into hibernation for many years until I rediscovered in my late teen years. I tried water color but I could not go beyond basics. Then I started my hands into digital art with photoshop. These days I use AI
I do most website related graphics. I learned so that I can use it for my needs. I think my work is decent.

When you keep working on the projects that you have, it will make you to improve on your work quality. This is the best way I've been able to become better at my work since I started out on graphics designing. I've been able to sell some of my work on Fiverr too.
I'm an avid crafter knitting, sewing, embroidery, you name it. My grandmothers taught me the basics , and I've been self-taught from books and online tutorials ever since.
I use to draw back then, and I actually enjoyed it. Right now I am into graphic designing so in a way I guess that is still a form of art. I want to learn how to do customized bags and gift bags.
I am not an artist but I have tried my hands on art creation through graphic designing tool like Photoshop as well as Generative AI tool like DALL E. I have created a lot of digital art through AI tool but I have not found a reliable platform to sell my AI generated art.