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Which is your favorite type of exercise?


Off The Mark

Mar 18, 2024
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To be honest, I am unable to engage in strenuous exercises on a daily basis due to health reasons. As such, I usually opt for endurance exercises like brisk walking. These types of exercises are known to be beneficial for the circulatory system and heart, and they can even lower the risk of breast cancer and diabetes. Occasionally, I also enjoy dancing, but I stick to light movements to avoid any strain on my body. What is your preferred type of exercise?
I learned a lot of exercises in order to pump up muscles and in general to improve my shape, but for me the best push-up is because I hit almost all muscle groups and can only do this in order to pump up the whole body
I used to enjoy lifting weights but gave it up due to too many muscle sprains. Now I enjoy riding my exercise bike the most.
The only exercise I do is walking. I do not walk every day but when I do I make sure to walk at least 60 minutes. M average walk session would be around 90 minutes. I also walk three times a week. Walking is the best way to remain fit and healthy without beating around the bush.
My best form of exercise is playing football. I started playing football around 7 years old. Played as part of the school team in all the institutions I attended from Grade School to College. I still play nowadays, even though not professionally but it keeps me fit.
Push ups or working on my triceps. Triceps holds all your punching power.
My favorite exercise is push up because I tend to become very light and fit after I had one . I make sure to do push ups very early in the morning and I have made it a routine activity.
My favorite exercise is push up because I tend to become very light and fit after I had one . I make sure to do push ups very early in the morning and I have made it a routine activity.
Pushups are very good and I used to do them almost everyday. I gave them up because they are so hard to do, I guess I got a bit lazy. lol
I am a fan of brisk walking and running and also likes doing push-ups so I don't do gym and like to exercise at home.
I'm on a weight loss journey so I hit the gym almost everyday to work out. I do all kind of aerobics to keep fit. I also try to do endurance exercises to maintain stamina
I have a couple of exercises that I always do to stay fit and look vibrant. The one, though, that I do almost everyday is the push-up drills.

I believe so much that doing push-up is one of the ways to train your upper part of the body and that is something that I like to do a lot.

Football is another exercise that I always do .I believe it strengthen me and make me feel sound
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My favorite type of exercise is hiking. The reason is that it provide an excellent cardiovascular workout and above all, it also made me to connect with nature and reduce stress.
I execute many exercises like dancing, jogging, and foremost swimming. love near the sea. My place is surrounded by beaches which is why I learned to swim. We need to exercise to avoid a fatty body, lol.
I prefer to walk and for me it's the best form of exercise and makes me lean and fit without putting any extra stress on my body.
I used to exercise a lot, but now I take more rest. However, I still do some exercises r r fitness and health.
At the moment I do not have a favorite kind of exercise, I simply do whatever I can do for the day. Though morning walks is one exercise I constantly do on a daily basis.
The other couple of favourite exercises that I can do without having to stress myself so much. One of it is planking, and the other is push-ups. These two exercises have helped me stay fit and strong at all times to carry out my activities on a daily basis.
I enjoy jogging and push ups. This is done at least three times in a week in the morning. This makes me healthy and fit for jobs. I don't need to take drugs for headaches because once I do exercise, everything will be in order.
My favorite type of exercise has to be hiking. There's just something so rejuvenating about getting out in nature, working up a sweat, and taking in beautiful scenery. Hiking checks all the boxes . it's a great cardio workout, it's low impact so it's easy on my joints, and the change of scenery reinvigorates my mind.
I'm not very flexible so I don't like most exercises. One of my favorites is running on a bike path because it's so easy. I also like to jump rope, but it requires a lot of energy