Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Where are you from originally?



Mar 28, 2024
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I'm from a small town in the Midwest, where I grew up surrounded by cornfields and friendly faces. It was a wonderful place to grow up, and I still love visiting my family and friends who live there.

Where are you from originally?
I am from the capital of India, Delhi. I village is 90 kms far from Delhi. I visit my village frequently. I like my village because I love fresh air and greenery in my village which is rare to see in Delhi. I dislike when Delhi is tagged as the most polluted city of world.
I'm from Africa, and from one of the popular countries there. Even though our government is giving us hard time with unstable economy, but I hope that things will stabilize soon.
I am originally from Nigeria and I am proud of my nation
I am from a village in India, an overnight train journey from the capital city of Delhi. I was born and brought up in Delhi and would visit my grandparents in the village for long weekends and holidays. Loved the green fields and orchards surrounding our grandparents house there.
I am from Ludhiana, Punjab and still in Punjab and likes to stay here unless I make my mind to move to Canada or US
I am from Ludhiana, Punjab and still in Punjab and likes to stay here unless I make my mind to move to Canada or US

Hehehe..you chose the right destination because most of the people from Punjab like to settle in Canada.
Hehehe..you chose the right destination because most of the people from Punjab like to settle in Canada.
It's like a dream place for anyone but somehow Punjabis have made it their own with the maximum number of population after the Canadians
I am from Ludhiana, Punjab and still in Punjab and likes to stay here unless I make my mind to move to Canada or US
Sounds good. So, do you have any plans to move? Have you started working in that direction? You need to do a few things before you plan for permanent immigration. The younger you are, the better are the chances. Every country welcomes youths as they can be a good asset for their economic growth.
Sounds good. So, do you have any plans to move? Have you started working in that direction? You need to do a few things before you plan for permanent immigration. The younger you are, the better are the chances. Every country welcomes youths as they can be a good asset for their economic growth.

@Ginger if your relatives live in Canada then it will be easy for you to settle there. Have you applied for a job or something there? You must apply if not. One of my colleagues in previous company applied and both wife and husband got a good job there and have settled there now in Canada.
@Ginger if your relatives live in Canada then it will be easy for you to settle there. Have you applied for a job or something there? You must apply if not. One of my colleagues in previous company applied and both wife and husband got a good job there and have settled there now in Canada.
Immigration to Canada is comparatively easier. If you have a good education qualification and skills that can be asset to the country, it will enhance the chances of approval. It's easier at younger age. All countries look for economic asset. The older you get, it gets tougher because after few years, you will become more of liability to them.
I am originally from Warri, delta sate Nigeria.
I haven't done anything that can help me move to Canada and it's just a thing that I would prefer but I don't see my family ready for that
I am from the southern part of Nigeria. My city is a hotbed of crude oil production in Nigeria. There are so many things that make my city interesting. This include the lifestyle, the culture the places and the beliefs. Won't trade my origin for any other place.
It is great to see users from different parts of the world and how they all like to be part of the website and are active daily
I am from the southern part of Nigeria. My city is a hotbed of crude oil production in Nigeria. There are so many things that make my city interesting. This include the lifestyle, the culture the places and the beliefs. Won't trade my origin for any other place.
Rivers or Bayelsa which of the states are you from, or did I guess it wrong?
I'm originally from Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸. It's been a few years since I've visited home, I think in the next 2 to 3 years I'll take a little vacation to go back and reminisce the good old days, and enjoy the food, culture and so many beautiful spots!