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What's your favorite type of exercise?

My favourite exercise is playing football. In football, we run and run. Within a matter of minutes, you are already sweating. It would work well in helping to cut down belly fat.
Playing football can be a very good workout routine, and very effective for the legs and the heart as well. It helps the blood pump faster.
I do prefer to start slow as sometime ago I started in a hard way then I needed to quit so this time I am trying to play safe
Taking baby steps is the right way to start. You don't get overwhelmed and exhausted. Slowly, you can keep pushing yourself. If you are new to exercises, you have to give time to your body to get adjusted to the exercise slowly and then you push it little by little. Doing a lot in a tough way to start with will not only get you exhausted but also might cause issues like hurt and injury. Such things in the beginning can be really discouraging and demotivating.
A lot of people tend to make this mistake, even myself when I first started. I wanted the results instantly, so I started doing hard workouts just achieve this at the early stage and ended injuring my body. Baby steps is key to allow the body adjust better.
I have met many who have done this. And sometimes they have to take a longer break from physical activities to heal completely from these injuries. And these injuries can impact other things in life too. So, one has to be careful and start slowly building your stamina and strength in slow progressive way.
I have met many who have done this. And sometimes they have to take a longer break from physical activities to heal completely from these injuries. And these injuries can impact other things in life too. So, one has to be careful and start slowly building your stamina and strength in slow progressive way.
Yes that's true. Back then I started having severe pains in my rib region. Due to the pain, I could not really do much heavy work for some time or anything stressful.
Yes that's true. Back then I started having severe pains in my rib region. Due to the pain, I could not really do much heavy work for some time or anything stressful.
Any pain other than the sweet pain that one is supposed to get after workout is not a good sign. The usual sweet muscle pain after workout is a good sign. It means that the lactic acid has accumulated in the muscles and you need to give it a rest for 48 hours. Any other pain is bad and it indicates that you have injured yourself or done some technical mistake like overdoing the exercises or not doing it well
Any pain other than the sweet pain that one is supposed to get after workout is not a good sign. The usual sweet muscle pain after workout is a good sign. It means that the lactic acid has accumulated in the muscles and you need to give it a rest for 48 hours. Any other pain is bad and it indicates that you have injured yourself or done some technical mistake like overdoing the exercises or not doing it well
I have learnt my lesson though, and since then I have not experienced anything like that again and hopefully I won't ever make that same mistake again.
I have learnt my lesson though, and since then I have not experienced anything like that again and hopefully I won't ever make that same mistake again.
It's always advisable to listen to our body. Our body is very smart and gives us signals when it is not ready for something or when something is not going right. We should just pay attention to those and not take them for granted. Things can get worse if we ignore it.
My favorite excercise is playing football and running and jumping, excercise is very good to our health and make us to be strong enough in life activities especially when you keep eating good diet and leave in a good condition
I love football and bike cycling but the football is more preferable to me because and I get football very well more than I think some do and again cycling also is sweet

Cycling is the most important exercise to me which I like mostly good and football ball is also there to my self but unfortunately it makes me to get tired In some days but now I think is ok
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