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What's the longest you've been ill?

Maybe it's two weeks, I'm not sure because I don't fall sick very often. My blood group is AA, it's may be the reason why I don't used to fall sick regularly.

I really hate being sick. If there's anything that I can do which will make me not fall sick in my life again, I would not waste any time to do it but I know that's not going to be possible. I try to live a good life, keep fit and eat healthy to prevent having constant illness.
I was bed ridden for 11 days when I tested positive for corona virus. That was the longest time I have ever been. The closet one to this was 7 days. I was 7 days on bed rest when I was caught by Dengue virus. I have never been hospitalized in my life, Apart form Corona and Dengue, I don't remember getting sick.
11 days is quite a short time for the Corona virus. I myself was not sick with this virus, but my father was sick with it, and it took more than a month for him to fully recover his strength and energy, because this disease severely destroyed the immune system
The immune system of people are always very different because there are those people who have a very strong immune system which makes it very easy for them to recover quickly more than the other people whom their immune system is not that very strong. I know that is the reason why someone might be able to recover from coronavirus within the space of 11 days.
I was sick a lot in my childhood and I can't even remember how long I was sick during the whole period, but I can definitely remember that I was sick for 18 days in a row, but I don't remember how bad I was, but I didn't go to school
Maybe it's two weeks, I'm not sure because I don't fall sick very often. My blood group is AA, it's may be the reason why I don't used to fall sick regularly.
I'm not sure if it could be tuberculosis because my brother has the same blood type, but he gets sick very often, even more than you can imagine. I think it's because you just care about the organism or what?
The longest stretch I have been ill is for 5 days and that happened last year. It was a very gloomy week for me that someone as active as me can become totally inactive for 5 days. I saw things that I wished to do but couldn't do them. I appreciated the health I have after that experience.
It's the same for me when after an illness I start to take my health very seriously because I wouldn't want to feel the same again as during the illness
It's the same for me when after an illness I start to take my health very seriously because I wouldn't want to feel the same again as during the illness
The painful part for me when I am ill for an extended period is that I would just be rueing tye money I would have made but I am losing simply because I am down and can't do anything.
I can't recall the last time I had a serious illness, but I think it lasted for about a week. The major illness I usually have now is cold and catarrh, and once I take some drugs it wears off In a few days.
Even the cold and catarrh can be very inconveniencing for me. I practically can't do anything when it happens to me because it comes with headache. That's why I always try to completely avoid anything that would trigger it which for me, is cold and dust
The worst bout of illness I've ever experienced was when I contracted a severe case of mononucleosis during my junior year of college. What started as exhaustion and a sore throat rapidly descended into weeks of extreme fatigue, fever, and a persistent aching throughout my entire body. I was bedridden for over a month, too weak to even make it to class.

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