Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

What turns you off on websites

A bad design. My first impression of a website is its looks and if it is poorly designed I won’t be sticking around.

I don't have any patience for any website which is very slow to load. It's like being under torture and I'll not have it trying to use any website.
If it's not a positive environment then forget it. Who has been somewhere like that? There are a few examples of this idea.
Difficulty finding things on the website.
I have been on a few websites where there have been nice designs, but it is really difficult to find stuff on the website.
Difficulty finding things on the website.
I have been on a few websites where there have been nice designs, but it is really difficult to find stuff on the website.

This is about the navigation system of a website which goes into how it was designed. If I pass too much stress doing anything on a website, I'll never come back to it again.
Cluttered layout, slow loading speed, excessive pop-up ads, intrusive autoplay videos, difficult navigation, lack of mobile optimization, excessive use of small font sizes, poor grammar and spelling, outdated design, and irrelevant or low-quality content are a few things that make me instantly get off a website. When you visit a website, its first impression is its last impression in 99% cases.
Cluttered layout, slow loading speed, excessive pop-up ads, intrusive autoplay videos, difficult navigation, lack of mobile optimization, excessive use of small font sizes, poor grammar and spelling, outdated design, and irrelevant or low-quality content are a few things that make me instantly get off a website. When you visit a website, its first impression is its last impression in 99% of cases.
All you mentioned could let website owners earn some money from popunders for example but they will lose important users in the community because he forces them to disable ad blockers while popunder or autoplay ads make bad navigation stories or redirects elsewhere.
I don't like a forum that has clustered words all over the site as that can make navigating through the forum to be difficult. Another thing that I don't like on some websites is having too many ads. What is the reason for some ads that will make user experience a tough one?
I don't like a forum that has clustered words all over the site as that can make navigating through the forum to be difficult. Another thing that I don't like on some websites is having too many ads. What is the reason for some ads that will make user experience a tough one?
Most websites that place many ads are paid to post websites. If a CPM is between 0.3 $ per CPM means he could earn 0.0003 $ per post from an ad displayed. Popunders could have a higher CPM like 1.5 $ from 1000 pop unders shown. However, I think this way of recovering assets is not suitable for many users as they face bad navigation browsing.
The theme of a website is a major feature I take into consideration. I don't use light theme. If a forum doesn't have dark theme, I'll leave the forum.
The theme of a website is a major feature I take into consideration. I don't use light theme. If a forum doesn't have dark theme, I'll leave the forum.
Some websites have awful theme colors that prevent you not enjoying the browsing experience. Then the designer has to make a pool between users to make adequate corrections and adoptions to resolve this problem. Unfortunately, most of the websites don't do this.
The theme of a website is a major feature I take into consideration. I don't use light theme. If a forum doesn't have dark theme, I'll leave the forum.
I’m usually the opposite if a forum or website is so dark you have to strain your eyes to see the text I leave.
I get turned off by poorly written content. I visit websites for content, and if the website content is poorly written, low quality and does not provide any value, I leave the website immediately. A lot of ads also tuns me off. I don't use ad blocker because I believe websites need to make money for owners, but I do not like when they use a lot of ads.
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I visit website for content, if there is absense of quality content, I will immediately walk off. I understand a website needs to earn so I don't mind ads but if they are too much, I will simply abandon the website.
Intrusive pop-up ads and autoplay videos with sound are an instant turn-off that makes me want to exit a site immediately. Same goes for websites riddled with clickbait links and misleading content. If a site has a messy, outdated design that's tough to navigate on mobile, I'll usually give up quickly too. And sites that bombard you with subscriber prompts before you've even explored any content are incredibly off-putting.
Nothing turns me off about a site as much as intrusive ads. They actually make me sick having to struggle to navigate or interact with a site but can't because it has ads splattered everywhere. I think that site owners should pay rapt attention to how they place ads on their sites.
Ads. I am done if there are too many ads on a website. It is ok if they display one or two. Some go extra mile adding ads in every slot.

it is hard without ads and to deal with them is extra work.
One major turn off for me when it comes to surfing a website is when the site is hard to navigate and also very slow.