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What movies or series do you think are the most relevant for today's world?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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In my opinion, today the world needs to understand why our planet is important to us, because I would find films about space interesting and even necessary, as well as documentaries about how we live and behave on the planet. And also films about war play an important role, because it is necessary to understand that war brings only death and destruction, and we do not have another planet.
I believe films that talks about the human nature should be most relevant and valuable. In our day to day life, we deal with humans. Having a better understanding of ourselves would make living a lot more easier and probably safer.
I believe films that talks about the human nature should be most relevant and valuable. In our day to day life, we deal with humans. Having a better understanding of ourselves would make living a lot more easier and probably safer.
In my opinion, for such a long period, we have all understood who is who and what can be expected even from loved ones. I don't think movies can change the situation because people won't listen to it even if you give them some advice
I would say that Sci-fi should be the most relevant genre for these times. We have to understand that the world is on a technological overdrive and Sci-fi movies would help to educate us on what to expect as AI takes over.

I would also say that social thriller movies would also help in these times to educate people on how to live and relate with others.
In my opinion, the dystopian sci-fi series "Divergent" and the climate change-themed drama "Equinox" offer particularly timely and thought-provoking reflections on the social, political, and environmental challenges facing our world. These narratives explore themes of conformity, inequality, and the fragility of our ecosystems in a compelling and resonant manner. Their relevance lies in their ability to hold a mirror up to the pressing issues of our era.
I think futuristic movies like Elysium or Alita. These are cool movies about the future that can definitely await us if we don't change anything in our way of living. I love such films and for now I perceive them as just a film, but very soon it may become our everyday life

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