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What is your favourite sport?


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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All things considered (watching, playing, etc), what is your favourite sport and why?
Football all day! It's hard to describe why 22 men running around kicking a ball is fun to me but I guess that's the beauty of it. I also like cricket but cricket is way too long. Football, on the other, 90 minutes is perfect.
My favorite sport to watch and play is wrestling. Although I watch and play other sports like cricket or football as well, I don't really like them as much as I like wrestling. Wrestling has been a huge part of my life during my childhood. I used to spend hours watching WWE everyday.
My favorite sport is basketball, but also football is great. I love watching constant plays. Why Basketball over Football? i totally dislike football flopping and faking injuries. I don't say that flopping in basketball doesn't exist but it's far less annoying.
I like to play soccer and floor hockey the most. I have good memories of these sports from PE courses in high school and university. Have any of you played them at school?
Tennis 🎾
Woman's volleyball
The only sports I don't like is golf and cricket. I can cope with every other sports athletes are into as their professional career. I've played football a few times.
Rugby and swimming is my favourite sports. I started swimming when I was grade 6. If I have my way, I'll participate in the upcoming next Olympics.
The kind of excitement I have whenever I'm waiting football makes it arguably the best sports which I love so much. I have made a few comments about how I feel about football in previous threads but I will say it again. Football is my favourite hobby. I follow so many leagues all over the world because I love being updated on everything about the sports.
The kind of excitement I have whenever I'm waiting football makes it arguably the best sports which I love so much. I have made a few comments about how I feel about football in previous threads but I will say it again. Football is my favourite hobby. I follow so many leagues all over the world because I love being updated on everything about the sports.

There are times that I can't eat when the club that I am supporting loses a match. This is how crazy it can get with the game of football for me. I support Real, Bayern Munich, and Manchester United. So, imagine how painful it can be when the 3 clubs mentioned above lose their games during a weekend.
There are times that I can't eat when the club that I am supporting loses a match. This is how crazy it can get with the game of football for me. I support Real, Bayern Munich, and Manchester United. So, imagine how painful it can be when the 3 clubs mentioned above lose their games during a weekend.
It is never easy when your favorite clubs lose a match which you had so much hope for them to win. If you're into playing football sports gambling or betting, you will play online bet for such a match. When they lose, it won't be only the losing of the match you're in pain for.
All things considered (watching, playing, etc), what is your favourite sport and why?

Long tennis is my favourite sports. I have also been playing too and I'm good at it. Watching Andy Murry motivated me so much to play.
Rugby and swimming is my favourite sports. I started swimming when I was grade 6. If I have my way, I'll participate in the upcoming next Olympics.
Having the desire to participate in the upcoming next Olympics is a very big dream. If you are good enough, you are old enough to participate in the tournament. I love swimming too but I'm not any good to desire being part of the Olympics because I know that I will not get any far in the competition.
I do not play any sports but when I was a kid I used to play football (not the American Football). These days I watch sports on TV and I like watching football and cricket. However, I avoid premier league matches, I only watch major tournaments like World Cup, Euro Cup etc. I do not like watching professional tournaments.
I also love watching major tournaments like World Cup, Euro Cup and African Cup of Nations. They are tournaments which bring the whole country where it's been played to focus on the tournament until it's over. It's like how the African Cup of Nations tournament is going on now. Almost the whole world's attention is on the tournament. It will be completed tomorrow being Sunday when Nigeria play against Ivory Coast for the winner of the tournament.
I have different sports for these categories. Because I like watching football more. For example, I prefer to play basketball, although I used to play only football. In general, I like boxing, but I have not tried and do not even watch fights, except for certain fighters
I have different sports for these categories. Because I like watching football more. For example, I prefer to play basketball, although I used to play only football. In general, I like boxing, but I have not tried and do not even watch fights, except for certain fighters

There is no amount of love and interest I would have in sports such like boxing and UFC that is going to make maybe interested in participating in playing that spots in any way. This is because I know how dangerous that spot is and someone can easily lose their life being involved in that kind of sports.
Hockey is my favorite sport, my 2nd favorite is basketball.

I use to play hockey growing up.
Baseball. I grew up watching almost every NY Yankee game, so I still try to keep up, but I cant tell you when was the last time I watched an entire game.

Hockey is my favorite sport, my 2nd favorite is basketball.

I use to play hockey growing up.

It is always going to be natural for someone to fall in love with the sports that he or she played when growing up. This is something that have happened to so many people whom I know and it equally happened to me as well which is the reason why I still love and enjoy football so much more than any other sports.