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What food will help you keep the skin of your face in good shape?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I know from my grandmother that many products can replace medicines and quite effectively. For example, as a child, I ate a lot of dairy products to keep my bones healthy. Do you use any specific products for your body problems?
I think you need to eat a lot of organic food and drink plenty of water to remain fit. If you are fit, it will show not just in your body but also in your face. You need to avoid eating processed food, a lot of sugar and sodium to maintain your physique. Green vegetables like spinach and lettuce are very good foods to have glowing skin
To the best of my knowledge, any food that can make your body to be very good will always going to work on your face as well, which is why eating of fruits and organic food is what I know that will have the potential of making your face to always look very good. You should try as much as possible to drink a lot of water and other fluids to keep your body hydrated.
Vegetables are one of the best. The minerals and nutrients it contains can help bring out the colour and beauty of your skin.
I think fruits and vegetables can do the magic. They contain essential vitamins and minerals which among them can keep the skin healthy. I know that cucumber can keep the face moisturized and fresh, wether it is applied as dried powder or it's raw form.
Milk because of the high calcium content and extra virgin olive oil.
I take lots of animal protein and it has helped me to maintain a healthy disposition. I also use water therapy to great effect. I make sure I try to finish 3 liters of water everyday. That detoxifies me and it is reflected on my face too.
You need to eat healthy fats, and vitamins C and E can do wonders for maintaining glowing, youthful facial skin. Some top choices include fatty fish like salmon for omega-3s, avocados for healthy monounsaturated fats, blueberries and other berries packed with antioxidants.
I know that garlic helps with acne. It can cure this disease and I think you can try to use it to improve the skin of the face. I also know that avocado is very beneficial for the skin of the face because it does not allow it to dry out
The foods that will help my skin and face stay in shape are many such as yam tubber maize beans and some vegetables like carrots watermelon orange some self egg fish and one thing self is that skin care cream too is good to have it to maintain your skin
I think vegetables was a good option for that and I always like to take it very much because it make's me feel healthier and comfortable after taken it