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What are the health tips you can give to online workers?

If you work online it means you will be sitting on chair for many hours and stare the computer for a ling time. Therefore, you should be doing stretching exercises frequently an also eye exercises. Also eat light as you willnot be burning a lot of calories.
For those new to working online, it's important to prioritize physical and mental health. Stay hydrated and take screen breaks every hour. Invest in an ergonomic setup to avoid strain. Build in time for movement, whether it's stretches, walks, or home workouts. Maintain boundaries between work and personal life. Connect with others virtually to avoid isolation. Pay attention to your body's needs for adequate sleep, nutrition, and work-life balance. Establishing healthy habits early will help sustain energy and productivity for remote success long-term.
You should always watch how you sit on the chair because the chair may be very comfortable, but you may not sit straight and then the spine will begin to deform. I spend most of my working time in a chair because I work in an office
I agree that good sitting posture is very important, that is why I try to change position whenever I'm working online. Sometimes when I realize that I've been sitting down for too long, I stand up and pace around for a few minutes just to explain that change in posture while working.
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