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Gaming Were you a Sega or Nintendo fan?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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Back in the day there were the big console wars between Sega and Nintendo. Sega had their catchy "Sega Does What Nintendon't" slogan on a lot of their commercials. Which side were you on back in the day? I was fortunate enough to own both a Sega Genesis/Megadrive as well as a Super Nintendo. I honestly gravitated towards my Genesis more. I just found the games on there to be more enjoyable at the time. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my Mario games and RPG's like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. I just preferred the experiences on the Genesis at the time.

What about you? Which did you prefer back in the day?
I was definitely a Sega kid growing up, Sonic is still way cooler than Mario even to this day IMO. :p I enjoy playing Mario though too, and the Super Nintendo does have some great games. My cousins got me into video games and they had a Sega Genesis. They had a Super Nintendo for a very short period of time, I think my aunt and uncle sold it to get their Genesis. I didn't get my Super Nintendo until 2009 after I turned 19.
Sega! I loved Sonic and Tails. Do you remember Earthworm Jim?
I always remember, I and my brother's first console was the Sega Master System but a few years later we also got the Super Nintendo and out of the two, as much as I loved playing games on both and had a ton of fun on both, Nintendo was definitely the one I preferred more hands down.

Even now I absolutely love my Nintendo Switch,
I've never owned a Sega console, it was a little before my time, so I'm going to have to pick Nintendo. I had a Nintendo Wii at one point.
I've never owned a Sega console, it was a little before my time, so I'm going to have to pick Nintendo. I had a Nintendo Wii at one point.
Psshh yougin'! :p

Sega Does What Nintendon't! :p
I owned them both but in all honesty, I was more into playing more on my Sega consoles than my Nintendo. It's right to say that I'm more of a Sega fan.
When I stared gaming, Sony Playstation was more popular than any consoles. When Sega and Nintendo were popular, I was not into gaming, therefore, I do not know the console war between these two. BY the time I started gaming, everyone was talking about platstation 4, Sega was no where to be seen and Nintendo was on the backseat
For me, it was always Nintendo all the way. From the original Game Boy to the N64, Nintendo's iconic franchises like Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon captured my imagination like no other. That said, I definitely had Sega-lover friends who would rave about their Genesis and its cool attitude.
Sega All The Way for me. There were quite a few games on the console that I actually enjoyed, others I enjoy even more when I get cartridges and insert them into those games.
Over here when Sega came out, it was extremely popular, even more popular than Nintendo. Especially due to games like sonic or sunset riders. These where epic games.

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