Did you ever get trained for any sport? Which one was it? Are you still training for it? If not, do you plan to get trained for any?
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Did you ever get trained for any sport? Which one was it? Are you still training for it? If not, do you plan to get trained for any?
How seriously do you train? Do you play in a football league or are you just an amateur but want to be the best among all. How big are your plans in football?Football is the only sports which I am actively partaking in and I try as much as possible to train my self to be ready for the sports because when you don't train, it is going to be very difficult for you to have the cardio energy that is needed for you to play football without gasing out easily.
That's pretty impressive, what sports do you play?I wasn't exactly trained in a professional way. But I learned to play a few sports by trial and error. Sometimes I even beat those who are trained by professionals.
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