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Trained for sports?


Active Contributor

Oct 21, 2023
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Did you ever get trained for any sport? Which one was it? Are you still training for it? If not, do you plan to get trained for any?
I took tae-kwon-do in my high school and university years, but I'm not training for it now. Instead, I get most of my exercise riding a bicycle.
It's only football training I do whenever I want to play. Training is important before playing football in order to get your body in shape for the match to avoid injuries.
Did you ever get trained for any sport? Which one was it? Are you still training for it? If not, do you plan to get trained for any?

I always train before playing football. Our coach would never allow you to play if you don't train, run and do a lot of stretches.
I was once enrolled for a Karate class. I was a ninth grader and I was very much interested in this sport. However, I found it hard to learn as I my body was not adapted to athletic activities. Therefore, after a couple of classes I just gave up. Other than this, I have never been trained for any kinds of sports.
As a child, I spent a lot of time playing football and I became so interested that I even decided to start attending a football academy, but it turned out that I was the weakest there and the boys didn't accept me, so after that I started to lose my skills and to this day I don't play at all in football
Football is the only sports which I am actively partaking in and I try as much as possible to train my self to be ready for the sports because when you don't train, it is going to be very difficult for you to have the cardio energy that is needed for you to play football without gasing out easily.
Football is the only sports which I am actively partaking in and I try as much as possible to train my self to be ready for the sports because when you don't train, it is going to be very difficult for you to have the cardio energy that is needed for you to play football without gasing out easily.
How seriously do you train? Do you play in a football league or are you just an amateur but want to be the best among all. How big are your plans in football?
I was on the highschool wrestling team and we did a lot of training for that.
During my childhood my dream was to play in the NHL. I use to train, and practice all the time.
Since childhood, I only dreamed about football and spent a lot of time training. I was lucky that my father helped me and it was he who showed me this game. I trained at home and with other children, and then when I got older I started attending the local team's academy and even went to competitions, but because of this, my academic performance in school decreased, so my parents limited these classes for me, and over time I stopped playing professionally at all.
When I was in high school, I was in the football team and I played numerous football matches for ny school. Since I played in competitive matches I was alao professionally trained. I stooped playing when I went to college
There was a time I joined a local football team in my church. Back then every morning we usually go for football training, and I played two or three matches with them.
I wasn't exactly trained in a professional way. But I learned to play a few sports by trial and error. Sometimes I even beat those who are trained by professionals.
I wasn't exactly trained in a professional way. But I learned to play a few sports by trial and error. Sometimes I even beat those who are trained by professionals.
That's pretty impressive, what sports do you play?
Growing up, I was really passionate about soccer and trained intensively from a young age. While I didn't pursue soccer professionally, those formative years sharpened my competitive drive and love for the game that still resonates with me today.
Off course yes I am once an academy player at that moment we trained alot and we played against our rivals and we win a lot of trophy 🏆 🏆 but my parents decided to further my education every thing became a worse I quit as an player just to focus on my study
I have played a lot of cricket but it was just for fun and have never took any professional training for that but these days many go for professional training
When I was a kid, I was among the kids that were trained for football. We have our training every Wednesdays and Saturdays. We are heading with positive energy until our coach was transferred to another state due to work.

We couldn't find any that can keep up his good works. I will love to be trained again but I guess that I am too old to enter the field.
No, I have never taken training for any sport. I used to play table tennis well, but I learned it all by myself through practice. If the time is reversed, I would like to get trained in lawn tennis and would like to become a professional tennis player.