Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.


In my entire life, I have never used Tiktok. Many young people used to waste their precious free time on this app, and I have seen people become addicted to it. It's banned here as of late, once the government found out. It was forbidden as well as it was a Chinese app.
Never. Ever. Nor I will. I dislike it. It's for teenagers and even for them it is a trash. Wasting life doing crap things.
Lol I don't dislike the app but I hardly use it. I only use it when I need to download some resources for a video edit or something similar.
I used to dislike Tiktok and was happy when it was banned in India but these days I enjoy Instagram reels so I feel I was wrong but in reality all these apps are just to waste time
That is why many countries are against the TikTok app and want to ban it completely. I think a platform like that can be used to propagate educational stuffs but the people using it for positive things are just very few.
Exactly, and if you research, you will find out that it is those countries that want to experience growth for the citizens that place ban on the use of tiktok. My country does not even care, lol.
Actually, not all countries will ban Tiktok and India banned it because of some privacy threat issues and actually china never allows other country apps in its country
Do you use TikTok? Have you ever used it? Do you create content on TikTok or just browse?

I use TikTok a decent amount, both for content creation and to browse. I think it's a cool platform and when I'm bored I enjoy scrolling through TikToks.
Actually no, I have never make used of it because people consider it to make content creation mostly and I am not interested in those aspects.
TikTok is best for content creation and for entertainment. Hundreds and thousands of content creators have made their name from TikTok
I have Tiktok account and it's about two years now. Sometimes, I can make some videos but I am not really interested in making it to be a big thing over there. I love watching other people's content because it's fun.
No and I never will. I dislike social media where you have low quality content made by brainwashed people who find pleasure in doing most retarded things out there. It's like a competition to prove who is dumber. It's an endless source of low quality content where I can only lose IQ points instead of getting them. :D