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Debate The Church and Politics


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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To be honest, though, the cultural left has also poisoned the church. It depends on what church we are talking about. However, though, what about what the "actual church" should be, as talked about in the video?
Looking at it from one angle though, the church and politics are two different things. The church is to talk about salvation and ensure people are saved not to discuss who would be the next leader or how the government is failing. Yes you can pray for your government if you think they ain't doing well but that's pretty much it.
Sadly, some churches have indulged in politics to the extent there's no going back. You will see churches and pastors endorsing candidates during election periods, even mandating it's members to vote for a particular contestant.
I think all churches are involved in politics, one way or another. There is none that you can say that they are not interested. They play it both openly and secretly.
I don't think all churches are involved with politics, yes outside the church they go about voting and the likes but when in church they don't talk anything about politics.
Politics and religion are interlinked these days. Here in India too, during elections, politicians play tricks on the name of religion. They play with the emotions of the people and beg for votes on the name of the religion. I am against it, but voters are blind.
That's what's Happening today, the politicians know how devoted people are to their religion, hence they tend to use religion to play the minds of the masses.
As an atheist the whole structure is a joke to me. But it seems that the vast majority of people need to feel that there is a loving God out there that for some reason loves and values them. It (God) is silent and invisible, but it somehow exists.;)
@Mad Hatter That's the problem everywhere. People have to realize that there is a God who is not in the control of human beings, but we still fight in the name of religion. The world will be a peaceful place if everyone understands this.
You can't force you beliefs on others, so no matter how you want them to understand that they won't. I strongly believe in if it's working for you then keep believing. I believe there is a God, it is working for me so am gonna keep believing.
@Mad Hatter That's the problem everywhere. People have to realize that there is a God who is not in the control of human beings, but we still fight in the name of religion. The world will be a peaceful place if everyone understands this.
More people have suffered and died in the name of their invisible/silent Gods and Goddesses than from anything else. And it has all been for nothing because, all of these Gods have been invented by man and are followed by all the sheeple who cannot think for themselves and are so easily led.
God invented us or we invested God is a vast subject and can be debated for a long. Are you atheist?
More people have suffered and died in the name of their invisible/silent Gods and Goddesses than from anything else. And it has all been for nothing because, all of these Gods have been invented by man and are followed by all the sheeple who cannot think for themselves and are so easily led.
This is quite easy to knock down. Plenty of people have died from regimes that had nothing to do with God (All the communist and fascist ones). Also, how can we be certain the religious wars were all that "religious"? Maybe they were more about economics and/or nationalism?
This is quite easy to knock down. Plenty of people have died from regimes that had nothing to do with God (All the communist and fascist ones). Also, how can we be certain the religious wars were all that "religious"? Maybe they were more about economics and/or nationalism?
Did I state that others have not died from other types of conflicts? Did I state that *ALL* wars have a religious origin? Reading comprehension issues is a fairly common thing unfortunately, and quite laughable.😄
Did I state that others have not died from other types of conflicts? Did I state that *ALL* wars have a religious origin? Reading comprehension issues is a fairly common thing unfortunately, and quite laughable.😄
The idea of gods or goddesses can be a cover for other stuff. For instance, the anti-English sentiment in Ireland was about nationalism and land ownership as the core problem.
I don't fault the church for getting into politics but what I fault the church is them getting into politics for money. That's what most churches are doing. They are sending pastors and members to politics so the church can get richer.
That's the end times we are in today. Majority of them are just after what they can gain, hence they go into anything politics and things like this.
Church and politics are two different things. The church supposed to be serving the Lord and love your neighbours as yourself. Politics is all about getting what will benefits you and nothing else. Praying to win a post isn't a bad thing but bringing politics inside the church is bad.