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Debate Talking Down to Children

Ensuring a child knows right from wrong and learns if they do wrong, I feel that is all that is needed. Talking down to a child is something I feel should never happen and I can only imagine how the child would feel being talked down to.
This is pretty common in my country, a lot of parents tend to talk down on their kids all in the name of trying to correct them but they don't even know and understand their children.
Exactly both parties do not want to take out time to understand each other. This is where communication comes in. If they can communicate with one another, things would be a lot better.
Indeed, communication is like a bridge that connect two parties together. Without that bridge there will never come to be an understanding.
Absolutely, while adults do hold authority over children, it's important to exercise that authority with respect and understanding. Talking down to children can undermine their self-esteem and hinder their development. Instead, we should aim to guide and educate with patience and empathy, fostering a positive environment where children feel valued and heard.
Indeed, it is important to exercise that authority with respect and understanding. I love that statement.
I was talked down very while growing up and it did a lot of many things to me. I have promised not to do it to any child both mine or other people's own.

Talking down brings low self esteem and lack of confidence in children.

Not always, sometimes what kids think is not the reality is. Sometimes parents do that for their benifits.
Not always, sometimes what kids think is not the reality is. Sometimes parents do that for their benifits.
You are right, it depends on the situation. In a case where you are trying to correct them, I think there is notting wrong with that, just that most kids tend to read the wrong meaning to this.
Not always, sometimes what kids think is not the reality. Sometimes parents do that for their benefit.
I won't agree that they are doing it for their own benefit. They are doing this out of ignorance. They thought that talking down on their children would make them obedient, but they didn't know that they were causing internal injury to the children.
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