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Swimming is a sport



Mar 18, 2024
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Somebody from here thought that swimming is not a sport . You will be wrong if say it that way. Yes, definitely, swimming is considered a sport. Here's why:

1. Competitive in nature- Swimming has organized competition at all levels from local meets to the Olympics. Athletes train rigorously, and compete for victory.
2. Physical demands - Swimming requires incredible strength , endurance and technical skill. It engages almost every muscle group in the body.
3.Skill and strategy- Swimmers need to master different strokes , pacing, and race tactics. They also need to be aware of their opponents and adapt their strategy accordingly.

So, swimming meets all the criteria to be classified as a sport.
Of cause swimming is a sport and it is also one of the best ways to exercise the body. With swimming you get to move your whole body, this is what makes it so effective as well.
Of cause swimming is a sport and it is also one of the best ways to exercise the body. With swimming you get to move your whole body, this is what makes it so effective as well.
This is one sport that I like. I can maintain my weight because of swimming. It is a good exercise for the body and brain. I learned to swim at the age of 7 and learned to swim in the deep sea at age 17. I won in a swimming competition may times.
This is one sport that I like. I can maintain my weight because of swimming. It is a good exercise for the body and brain. I learned to swim at the age of 7 and learned to swim in the deep sea at age 17. I won in a swimming competition may times.
That's so nice that means you must be pretty good at swimming. I would love to learn though but haven't had the chance yet. There was only one time I went to a river some my elder brother. I had to use a life jacket though.
I told it that it's more of a lifesaver than a sport. There are many other games that may not save your life in a difficult situation, except swimming. So everyone should learn it not as a sport but as things like running we learn in our lives.
That's so nice that means you must be pretty good at swimming. I would love to learn though but haven't had the chance yet. There was only one time I went to a river some my elder brother. I had to use a life jacket though.
It's not advisable to practice swimming in the river because of its current that flows to one direction. It's better to practice in a swimming pool or beach. In the swimming pool I think you'll pay the rent by hour. One hour could be good to practice.
It's not advisable to practice swimming in the river because of its current that flows to one direction. It's better to practice in a swimming pool or beach. In the swimming pool I think you'll pay the rent by hour. One hour could be good to practice.
It was just by the shore where the fishermen where arranging their boats and all that. We where not allowed to go to the deep parts.
It was just by the shore where the fishermen where arranging their boats and all that. We where not allowed to go to the deep parts.
At least not deep and there were eyes to watch you. Should you wish to learn swimming, you try on a swimming pool near your home. Suggest it to your bestie 😬. She may like it too.
At least not deep and there were eyes to watch you. Should you wish to learn swimming, you try on a swimming pool near your home. Suggest it to your bestie 😬. She may like it too.
I think maybe when we are a little bit more closer I can suggest that. For now I would rather keep things slow.
I think maybe when we are a little bit more closer I can suggest that. For now I would rather keep things slow.
You are also right on that matter not to be in a rush. We are facing many problems this time like economic crises and war that likes to escalate. This year is a very critical year for all humans. There are a lot of shootings and other crucial circumstances navigate our lives,.
You are also right on that matter not to be in a rush. We are facing many problems this time like economic crises and war that likes to escalate. This year is a very critical year for all humans. There are a lot of shootings and other crucial circumstances navigate our lives,.
Indeed, at first it was extreme hot weather condition, later on the issue of war came up, now another issue most people are facing is that of floods. There have been so many cases of places and houses being flooded.
Swimming is definitely a sports. It's also a very good form of exercise. Swimming is one of the most popular athletic event in any competitive athletic events like Olympics, Asian Games or Paralympic.
Indeed, at first it was extreme hot weather condition, later on the issue of war came up, now another issue most people are facing is that of floods. There have been so many cases of places and houses being flooded.
When I was 9 years old l swam on the canal. I was so curious because it was very clear and clean 😊. And then I laid down letting the flow of the water passing through my face. I was so innocent. I was thankful I wasn't carried away by the current 😊.
When I was 9 years old l swam on the canal. I was so curious because it was very clear and clean 😊. And then I laid down letting the flow of the water passing through my face. I was so innocent. I was thankful I wasn't carried away by the current 😊.
Yes lucky you, there are cases like that, but didn't end up well. So you where really lucky notting bad Happened to you.
Yes lucky you, there are cases like that, but didn't end up well. So you where really lucky notting bad Happened to you.
When my father learned about it, he was furious not at me but to my elder sisters for not watching me. I never felt or sensed danger of what I have done. I was also seen by our neighbor and he picked me up and brought me home.
When my father learned about it, he was furious not at me but to my elder sisters for not watching me. I never felt or sensed danger of what I have done. I was also seen by our neighbor and he picked me up and brought me home.
Lol of cause, because he knows at that age you do not really know how dangerous what you did was, but your elder ones would know this.
Lol of cause, because he knows at that age you do not really know how dangerous what you did was, but your elder ones would know this.
I was young at that time mind innocent no malice and danger to think. After some hours, I learned that the canal was unpassable. My father brought me there to lecture me and told me not to do it again. I was so scared, my gosh, the water was furious:eek:.
I was young at that time mind innocent no malice and danger to think. After some hours, I learned that the canal was unpassable. My father brought me there to lecture me and told me not to do it again. I was so scared, my gosh, the water was furious:eek:.
Lol I can imagine, let's just be grateful notting happened in the end.
If you swim everyday, you would be very fit. It is a very physically demanding activity and requires a lot of strength. It is competed in the olympics and is a full fledged sport.