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News Studies suggest that night owls have better brain function



Sep 23, 2023
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Studies have suggested that if you are a night owl, you may just have better brain function that someone who is a morning person.

Night owls may be sharper than morning people, according to a new study, with those most active and alert in the evening performing better in cognitive tests.

I am someone who prefers to stay up and would call myself a night owl but I am not sure if that has had any affect on my brain.

What are your thoughts on this?

You can read more about this at Sky News
There was a time where I did all my work at night. It meant I was always awake all through the nite, to be honest I didn't really see any difference. Or maybe we just didn't noticed this ?
I am a nocturnal being. Those who stay up at night are called the nocturnal being or night owl. When I was in school, I am always very active at night when others are sleeping. I can cover up to four courses within a night and understand them very well than in the afternoon.
I wonder why the night owls are paid more in my country than the morning owls.
Night owls can be wide awake doing all manner of things than what the morning owls did. They add their strength, zeal, agility and their mental health is also at stake.
I have been a morning lark all my life. And I can say that without doubt and with all humility that I am one of the smartest and most structured person that I have met. We are a family of morning larks. Except my elder daughter who is a night owl. But we all are equally smart.
Off course I agree with your words because I am a fashion designer and to be sincerely honest speaking I used to do most of my work at night because you will all have your attention on what you are doing and no one will distract your attention
People have their preferences. My elder daughter is an owl and she feels that she can focus more in the late night hours because of the quietness. I feel the same about the morning time between 3_6 AM. If there are some deadlines or things that need to be finished, I will wake up at this time and finish it. That's quiet time too and my brain functions the best at that time.