Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.



Active Contributor

Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score
What type of rules do you make on your forum and why? 🙂
Most of the rules I wrote for DH are to ensure that our community is a safe, welcoming and respectful space for anyone to come to. I also laid out some general guidelines for the forum, such as keeping discussions on-topic, no multiple accounts, etc.
Forums rules should be made to keep the community safe for usage by everyone. Others opinions are to be respected and no one should be bullied or trolled.
Forums are supposed to be peaceful and safer for users. It's why it's why a lot of people are running away from using social media sites. Forums rules should ensure the forum doesn't turn into what's happening on social media sites.
I don't have a forum but I think they should have a few basic rules to ensure a positive and respectful environment. These include prohibiting hate speech, spamming, and personal attacks. Implementing these rules would help to foster constructive discussions and protect the well-being of the community members.
The first rule that comes to mind is to force users to see the rules. If you place an external link to rules or an external page and accept rules all of us will just press accept and join the platform and don't read any of the forum rules. If they are plastered on registration page and need to scroll down slowly to enable registration button they may read some points.
My rules are simple, do not spam, do not post one liners, do not harass others., so not talk about illegal stuff, do not copy from others and do not spread hate messages. My forum rules are basically posting guidelines. I also do not allow excessive advertising. In fact I do not like links outside the forum signature.
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