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Rich or Famous?

Would you rather be a billionaire and nobody likes you or be famous and broke?
I have never liked being a very popular person. It have never been of any advantage for me in the past which is why I don't rate it as anything. I would rather become a billionaire like Elon Musk or Bill Gates. They have the whole world knowing them because of their financial statues.
I rather my first Million, then I will see. Many times you get famous in the way.
Famous and broke? I you are famous, you shouldn't be broke either unless there is
something else to learn about finances or it's a temporary thing. (also, famous/known for what?)
Billionaire status is a headache too. So, I rather been a Million dollar guy.
I would rather be famous and broke because having genuine connections and relationships with others is more valuable than wealth. Money can't buy meaningful connections, and being famous could still provide opportunities for personal fulfillment and making a positive impact on others. Also, being famous will help me get more work for sure to eventually help me get out of the "broke" stage.
I don't care to be famous and certainly don't want to be broke! I want to be a billionaire, please!
Money is something I can't gamble with. I know having good connection with people is good but you have to have something to give in return because nothing goes for nothing. It's why money plays a key role in my life decisions. I will never choose money as second option.
In my experience, if you don't have money, you will be seen as a useless person. No body is going to rate anything that you say. It's a very bad way to live your life in this world. For this alone, I have dedicated so much of my time in making money because I want to be relevant and regarded among my peers.
As much as it's a good thing for a rich person to contribute in giving back to their society where he is living, it's a personal decision. It's his or her money which cost him his or her sweat to make. The rich person doesn't owe anyone anything. This is why I don't irk at any rich person who wants to enjoy his money alone. He or she have earned it.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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