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Debate Revenge


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Sep 23, 2023
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What are your thoughts on revenge? Is it justified? Is it not worth it? Is there a limit to how far revenge should go? Why or why not?
The best revenge is a life well lived. Move on, forgive and forget. Buddha teaches that holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
I prefer to set up healthy boundaries and just not deal with people who have wronged me, if I can help it.
I never found revenge worth it, or more correctly, I never found people that did me wrong worth putting any sort of effort into.
It's against my religion. It's not psychologically healthy for anyone. Anyway, people who did wrong have a bad karma I think, apart from what I could do.
I believe in forgiving and moving on. So, taking revenge is something I never think about. Trust me, if you do this as well, life will get a lot better than you think. I also believe that, if people do bad to you and you keep doing good in return, they'll eventually realize their mistake and become good too.
As they say, forgive them, but don't forget what they did.

Revenge is bad in most cases. It eats us from inside. But in some cases, especially when bulllies are involved, it is kind of justified.
For me I feel taking revenge is simply bringing yourself down to their level. The best revenge you can ever do or give out is to prove them wrong or to be the very best you can be.
It's all about deterrence and self respect. We cannot allow people to disrespect us and we also need to teach them that their actions will have consequences.
I can't possibly get revenge on everyone that disrespects me. I can't police the planet. In that case, better to say karma will get people or God will do it or something. Don't you think?
I'm an atheist so I don't believe in a God. As to karma I prefer to create my own.
What do you consider an insult? Some punk smarting off to you? It happened to me this morning at work. Yeah, I could get revenge and lose my job!
What do you consider an insult? Some punk smarting off to you? It happened to me this morning at work. Yeah, I could get revenge and lose my job!
Outsmart him, get him into trouble at work, maybe with the boss or other coworkers.
I don't believe in revenge simply because I don't feel it is right to dish out evil for evil. I have been hurt badly by family members I looked up to. Some have not formally apologized. But I help them whenever they need my help. I wish I had the heart but I don't.
I am always of the opinion that I can forgive the person that hurt me and move on. I don't like taking revenge on people because I am on the other side that I might have hurt people too and I won't be happy if they take revenge on me.
Revenge is something that l don't really like in my life. I like peace and harmony living with the community.
I am always of the opinion that I can forgive the person that hurt me and move on. I don't like taking revenge on people because I am on the other side that I might have hurt people too and I won't be happy if they take revenge on me.
That's a great mentality to have. Not taking revenge is actually beneficial to one's peace of mind
That's a great mentality to have. Not taking revenge is actually beneficial to one's peace of mind
But some people believed on revenge and the more they stayed to take that revenge, the more they are getting down. I know that there are some hurts that require taking revenge immediately but just heal and move on.
I don't judge people that take revenge. You don't know what they have been through before they decide that they won't let things slide. But I would rather not take a revenge myself because I am too lethal with that.