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Debate Religion


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Sep 23, 2023
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What are your thoughts on religion? Do you follow a religion? Are you religious? Please be mindful of what you say and respect others’ beliefs.
I’m not really religious but I do believe there is a creator with many names and a destroyer with many names. I think about the meaning of life a lot
I'm not too religious and I try not to get into any religious discussion because it doesn't go down well most of the time. I'm a born Catholic but I worship where ever I want to.
I’ve had some great conversations with some people on religion but majority of the time it’s a disaster so I don’t talk about it much anymore
I’ve had some great conversations with some people on religion but majority of the time it’s a disaster so I don’t talk about it much anymore
Yes, that's the problem with being into religious talks. It would all start out good but will disintegrate into something nasty. The same thing goes for political discussions. I dread taking part in it.
I am a religious person in sense I believe there is a creator (architect) who made all of this is such a wonderful way. I can't know for sure if some prophecies on the end of the world will happen, but some texts seem very real and as if they are on going.
I'm not really religious, I think organized religion is nothing but a cash grab here in the United States. I don't really like talking about religion to those who are, since a lot of religious people are too judgemental and try to force their beliefs on others. I think it's fine if you're religious, just don't try to convert me and try to push your beliefs on me.
What are your thoughts on religion? Do you follow a religion? Are you religious? Please be mindful of what you say and respect others’ beliefs.

I am a Christian by birth and still a Christian. I am not someone that thinks other religions are not good since there is uniqueness in every religion. So, the belief is that everyone should stay connected to the supernatural being that they believe in and let the world be a better place. If one is not a religious person, that's fine too.
I'm Christian and attend church regularly. Usually on the tech side of volunteering at church quite a few times.
I’m on the fence when it comes to religion I want to develop a personal relationship with the creator but I don’t really subscribe to any religion
It's nice to hear about other people's beliefs.

Personally, I am Muslim, so naturally I believe in God and the concept of heaven/hell. I'm not super religious, in terms of practicing regularly, but it's something I aspire to do eventually and my religion holds a close place in my heart.
I'm an ex-Christian. I'm not religious nor spiritual.
What I gathered from religion is more times than not, your religion is what you were born into. Whether it's right for you or not. I was born into Christianity but after doing studying on my own, I found too many discrepancies.
I am friends with religious people. I'm of the mind that I can accept the person even if I don't accept what they do or believe. I can accept them as a Human Being because that is what we are first.
My opinion on religion can be summed up with the following quote:
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Organised religion has resulted in more death and misery than any other cause in human history. It amazes me that a species which developed art, music, literature, science, space flight, and all the other wonders in the world is still capable of killing each other over who has the best imaginary friend.

I stopped buying ‘god’ crap when I stopped believing in the other things made up to keep children in line; Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy.

There is no god. There is no proof of god.
There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it. - Richard Dawkins
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. - Napoleon Boneparte
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion. - Robert M. Pirsig
I think Christianity is a beautiful thing and I'm a Christian. However, though, as one poster noted, so many Christians are judgemental and forceful with wanting to convert and, I don't agree with that style either.
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I believe religion creates a boundary between humans. People would have been better without religions. Religion is undoubtedly a positive thing to most people but it comes with a lot of negativity too. So much war happens because of religions all around the world. Because of certain acts done by a person believing in a certain religion, people start thinking that everyone who believes in that religion is the same.

I am not a religious person but I respect all religions and people who believe in them. If someone wants to take me to a temple, to a church, or some other religious place, I go with them. I'm born as a Hindu but I don't practise it rigorously.
I'm not really religious, I think organized religion is nothing but a cash grab here in the United States. I don't really like talking about religion to those who are, since a lot of religious people are too judgemental and try to force their beliefs on others. I think it's fine if you're religious, just don't try to convert me and try to push your beliefs on me.
I would say that it's the same thing all over the world. I was watching a church program online few days ago, I can't remember the church name but what I can never forget was when the so called pastor or minister of God stood and addressed the church members saying their first salary of the year is for him to take care of himself not God. This is a total madness.
I would say that it's the same thing all over the world. I was watching a church program online few days ago, I can't remember the church name but what I can never forget was when the so called pastor or minister of God stood and addressed the church members saying their first salary of the year is for him to take care of himself not God. This is a total madness.

The love for money is turning the heads of many ministers of God. They no longer preach the good news but prefer to focus on just making money for themselves. Even those who built schools end up charging high fees in those schools. I wonder how it is going to loo like in the coming years.
I hate when people control and dictate religion. It is more than that. It is about something that is superior to us all. Tying it to humans and their cruelty is bad.
I believe in God, I am a Christian but I don't believe in doctrines. I believe in good conscience as an approach to everything and that it pleases God. I believe in love for humans as a gateway to access God.
I am highly religious. I believe that God exists and he reigns over everything on earth. I go to church twice a week and on Sundays but I question some things that I find inconsistent in Christianity. In other words, I am not a foolishly religious person.