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Sep 23, 2023
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Do you have any regrets in life or are you someone who lives with a no regrets attitude? Feel free to share if you’re comfortable doing so.
I have a regret once. My first car accident was as a result of me being drunk and driving. I was told not to drive that day but I didn't listen. I was lucky not to have died from car crash. Ever since then, I never drive whenever I drink one bottle of beer.
Knowingly investing in a ponzi scheme that nearly wrecked my life financially. It was in the MMM ponzi by the Russian businessman, Sergei Mavrodi. I shouldn't have invested in it but I didn't listen. I paid the price for it.
I have no regrets in life. Everything happens for a reason and those experiences, good or bad, have shaped who I am today and I am proud of who I am.
I regret asking every single woman I've ever asked out because all I do is turn into an awkward, clingy, creeper when I come even relatively close to having a girlfriend and I've caused a lot of women I've asked out anger and probably a headache.
I have many regrets but the chief regret is letting my parents dictate the course of my life.
I have no regrets in life. I've been very careful with how I live my life so far. Everything have been working well according to plan.
There's no regrets in my life but lessons. This is what helps me to grow and become better than I was yesterday before the lessons. Regrets is a waste of time and energy.
I regret not doing better in College. I graduated with a bachelors in Science degree, had decent grades and got a good job, however at the time I was in College, that was not my priority - I was working, I was hanging out and my last priority was school, so I could have definitely done better. I did one semester for a Master's degree and ended up dropping out! Could I have done better and found myself a better job? Absolutely, but my priorities were not straight then.
I regret not standing up to bullies when I was in school back then. I suffered a great deal at their hands which no body should. I was too afraid to do anything.
I regret not standing up to bullies when I was in school back then. I suffered a great deal at their hands which no body should. I was too afraid to do anything.
If you are not strong enough, it will be very difficult for you to stand up against bullies in school. Most bullies in school have a pack of friends backing them. It will be hard to fight all of them. They will swarm all over you and beat you down at all times. Bullying is very common in school.
I'm someone who lives with a no-regrets attitude. Whenever I do something, I get myself ready to face the consequences, both negative as well as positive. So, I never regret anything I do in life.
There's no regrets in my life but lessons. This is what helps me to grow and become better than I was yesterday before the lessons. Regrets is a waste of time and energy.
Although, I'm very sure that it's not possible for anyone to change whatever they are having regrets over, but the regret is there because of the pain they are feeling for failing to do something they should have done or doing something they shouldn't have done. It's how regrets works on everyone.
Do you have any regrets in life or are you someone who lives with a no regrets attitude? Feel free to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

I don't have any regrets as far as life is concerned. I am with high hopes that life is going to turn out well as long as I am still alive. So, I focus on pushing to become as good as I can. I hate living with regrets as it limits how I enjoy life.
I don't have any regrets as far as life is concerned. I am with high hopes that life is going to turn out well as long as I am still alive. So, I focus on pushing to become as good as I can. I hate living with regrets as it limits how I enjoy life.
Having regrets will only come when you're the cause of what went wrong in your life especially when you knew that kind of thing or consequences was going to occurr but because of your carelessness, you didn't listen and everything went to a shit show. There is no way wouldn't have regrets over this kind of outcome.
Having regrets will only come when you're the cause of what went wrong in your life especially when you knew that kind of thing or consequences was going to occurr but because of your carelessness, you didn't listen and everything went to a shit show. There is no way wouldn't have regrets over this kind of outcome.

Yeah, mistakes can happen, but do you think that I should keep living in regrets after the whole scenario has happened? For me, I would want to move on and let the past stay in the past for what it is. Living a life of regret is not going to benefit anyone no matter how much they lament about it.
Yeah, mistakes can happen, but do you think that I should keep living in regrets after the whole scenario has happened? For me, I would want to move on and let the past stay in the past for what it is. Living a life of regret is not going to benefit anyone no matter how much they lament about it.
No one is above making mistakes. This is why we are all human beings. We can make mistake but what is more important is how we make efforts in making corrections and make sure that we do not repeat the same mistake again. If you repeat the same mistake twice, you're supposed to live in regrets.
What I regret most is that at school I really thought that I needed to study hard, so I spent a lot of time studying and I didn't have much time to enjoy my childhood. You can't get this cup back, but the pain remains
The amount of money which my parents paid for me to go to school was too much. I knew from the beginning that I had to take my studies very serious because if I should fail, no other person will be there to support me or my family in my education.
Not doing my Master's degree program immediately I graduated from the university will be my biggest regret. Now, I don't have the time or money to finance it.